  • 學位論文


Solid state cultivation of Antrodia camphorate and HPLC analysis of triterpenoids using AMP as internal standard.

指導教授 : 曾耀銘




單磷酸腺苷 牛樟芝 三萜類


Triterpenoids are widely distributed in nature, some of the plants, animals and fungi contain these compounds, but the type and content of triterpenoids found in different plants and animals who have a little different, triterpenoids inhibit cancer cell growth and anti-oxidation activity characteristics.And general triterpenoids mostly by the lanostane or ergostane composed, the fruiting bodies of Antrodia with triterpenoids mostly in higher pharmacological activity of ergosterol-based.In this study, the use of solid matrix culture Antrodia mycelium in liquid culture in the form of the bacteria were inoculated solid medium, observation records mycelial growth patterns, in order to facilitate analysis of triterpenoids content.And experiments intended to test the use of adenosine monophosphate (AMP) as the internal standard in HPLC quantitative analysis of Antrodia triterpenoids, preliminary experiments confirmed that AMP and triterpenoids elution use the same solvent, and both of them have different in HPLC retention time. Therefore, further studies can be used as the internal standard compound triterpenoids HPLC. AMP is suitable for quantitative analysis, after proper development of the ratio calculated from the HPLC chromatogram of the area of the wave front triterpenes correlation between concentration, according to their good correlation resistance to the establishment of a standard curve can be calculated by the standard curve concentration of each sample solution contained Antrodia triterpenoids.


Antrodia Triterpenoids AMP


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