  • 學位論文


Economic Effects on Green Finance and Renewable Energy Investment

指導教授 : 洪振義


2008年發生金融危機之後,發展綠色經濟一直是各國政府的政策重點,其目的是希望能用經濟手段來解決環境問題,同時並創造新的產業與就業機會。而綠色金融是創造綠色經濟首要關鍵。再者傳統燃料價格劇烈波動的情形下,迫使世界各國紛紛調整能源政策。因此,發展再生能源是被公認最重要的途徑,不僅能減輕環境惡化和能源危機,更能藉此創造更多潛在就業機會,以促進當地經濟成長。 本研究針對再生能源投資的經濟效益進行探討。主要探討以綠色金融投資再生能源推估其經濟效益、就業人數和勞動所得的影響。根據本研究採用動態產業關聯模型推估每2000億綠色金融投資風力發電系統和每2000億綠色金融投資太陽能光發電設備來分析其所帶來的經濟效益。研究結果顯示,投資風力發電系統在雇用所得波及效果最大的是“其他服務業”,在創造就業效果“其他服務業”的就業人數最多。最大效果原因是風力發電設備的安裝與維護相關服務需求增加。另一方面研究結果觀察到投資太陽能光發電在各個行業的生產誘發值,增額最大的是“污水處理和資源回收部門”。最大效果原因是太陽能設備的相關材料需要回收。而附加價值增加最大的行業是“污水處理和資源回收部門”,在雇用所得額上,“電機領域”增加額為最多。


After the financial crisis in 2008, the development of a green economy has been the policy focus of governments of all countries. Its purpose is to use economic means to solve environmental problems, and at the same time create new industries and employment opportunities. Green finance is the primary key to creating a green economy. In addition, the situation of traditional fuel prices fluctuating sharply forces countries around the world to adjust their energy policies. Therefore, the development of renewable energy is recognized as the most important way, not only to reduce environmental degradation and energy crisis, but also to create more potential employment opportunities to promote local economic growth. This study discusses the economic benefits of renewable energy investment. Mainly explore the impact of using green finance to invest in renewable energy to estimate its economic benefits, employment and labor income. According to this study, a dynamic industrial correlation model is used to estimate the wind power generation system for every 200 billion green financial investments and solar photovoltaic power generation equipment for every 200 billion green financial investments to analyze the economic benefits it brings. The results of the study show that investment in wind power generation systems has the greatest impact on the employment income of "other service industries", and the largest number of employees in the "other service industries" that create employment effects. The biggest effect is due to the increased demand for services related to the installation and maintenance of wind power generation equipment. On the other hand, the research results observed the production induced value of investment in solar photovoltaic power generation in various industries, and the largest increase was in the “sewage treatment and resource recovery department”. The most effective reason is that the related materials of solar equipment need to be recycled. The industry with the largest increase in added value is the “sewage treatment and resource recovery department”. In terms of employment income, the increase in the “motor sector” is the largest.


4.李珣琮和施勵行(2012)。再生能源發展政策之效益評估-結合實質選擇權法與成本效率曲線。應用經濟論叢,第91 期,155-196。
