  • 學位論文


Construction of a Comparison Information System before and after the Rescue Team's Physical Skills Training

指導教授 : 曹世昌 李金鳳


由於時代的演進、環境的變遷及社會的需求,消防工作不只需要負責災害的搶救,同時也要處理各種災害預防、緊急應變及災後復原等災害防救工作。所以消防人員的訓練更需建構在良好的救助隊體技能訓練上,當有災害發生時能夠迅速實施搶救、降低火災傷亡人數及財產損失。救助隊體技能測驗項目包括伏地挺身、仰臥起坐、俯臥弓身、單槓引體向上、舉重、抬腿腹肌運動、折返跑、負重爬梯、跑步、結索能力測驗、橫渡操作、捲揚器低索救出架設、繩索登降操作、橫渡操作及掛梯操作。本研究利用微軟資料庫系統及Visual Studio建構救助隊體技能訓練資訊系統來比較訓練前與訓練後的救助隊體技能測驗成績,可以年齡、職稱、組別及測驗項目作資訊分析,以便消防人員體技能資訊查詢,並提供消防機關與搶救單位作為參考依據。本研究採系統建構依臺中市政府消防局2018年救助隊體技能測驗資料為研究樣本。


Due to the evolution of the times, the changes of the environment and the needs of society, fire protection work not only needs to be responsible for disaster rescue, but also to deal with disaster prevention and rescue work such as disaster prevention, emergency response and post-disaster recovery. Therefore, the training of firefighters needs to be built on good rescue team physical skills training. When disasters occur, rescue operations can be implemented quickly to reduce the number of fire casualties and property losses. The rescue team physical skills test items include push-ups, sit-ups, prone bows, horizontal bar pull-ups, weightlifting, leg lifts, abdominal muscle exercises, reentry runs, weight ladders, running, noose testing, crossing operations, winches low rope rescue erection, rope landing operation, crossing operation and hanging ladder operation. This study uses the Microsoft database system and Visual Studio to construct the rescue team physical skill training information system to compare the rescue team physical skill test results before and after training based on age, title, group and test items for firefighters information analysis, providing fire agencies and rescue units as a reference basis.


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[2] 內政部消防署,107年統計年報。2019年9月16日。取自https://reurl.cc/pDjALZ。
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