  • 學位論文


Greenhouse Gases Estimation Methods for Municipal waste Incinerators

指導教授 : 劉 敏 信


溫室效應造成全球暖化及對全球氣候變遷影響頗大,在所排放的溫室氣體中,又以CO2排放量最多。台灣地區目前焚化廠總垃圾處理量達16,693公噸/日,焚化處理率可達90%以上,GHGs排放量約佔全國總排放7.6%。 本研究乃利用台灣地區8座都市型焚化廠進行二氧化碳簡易式排放估算,以便作為日後溫室氣體管理之參考。排放估算乃利用焚化垃圾熱值方式,發電量方式,以及焚化處理含碳量方式進行估算,計算結果三種推估方式每單廠所得數據,呈現以廠內焚化處理垃圾含碳量推估CO2排放量,大於垃圾之濕基低位發熱量熱值推估CO2排放量,大於垃圾焚化爐之發電量推估CO2排放量之定則。所得各廠之CO2排放量數據分析,與各廠之原始基本數據皆呈現正比之關係。 焚化廠發熱量推估方式單爐CO2排放量,平均轉換係數為0.772,發電量推估方式單爐CO2排放量,平均轉換係數為1.909,焚化垃圾含碳量推估方式單爐CO2排放量,平均轉換係數為0.669。焚化廠發熱量推估方式單爐CO2排放量平均百分實際差度為+0.017,發電量推估方式單爐CO2排放量百分平均實際差度為-0.029,焚化垃圾含碳量推估方式單爐CO2排放量百分平均實際差度為-0.030。


The Greenhouse Effect causes global warming and is already having significant and costly effects on our climate. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the primary greenhouse gas emitted through human activities. In Taiwan, the incinerators process up to 16,693 tons of waste daily, and the greenhouse gas so emitted accounts for about 7.6% of all Taiwan greenhouse emissions. The study aims to provide a simple way to determine the average carbon dioxide emissions from eight municipal waste incinerators in Taiwan to aid in managing greenhouse gas emissions. The determination of carbon dioxide emissions is based on the lower heating value, the amount of electricity generated, as well as the content of carbon in waste incinerated. According to the resulting data from each incinerator, the finding of the study is that the carbon dioxide emission determined based on the content of carbon in waste incinerated is higher than that on lower heating value (wet basis) and that on amount of electricity generated. Another finding is that the resulting data is consistent to the original observations by each incineration plant. For a single incinerator, the conversion factors based on lower heating value is 0.772, and those based on the amount of electricity generated and the content of carbon in waste incinerated are 1.909 and 0.669 respectively. For a single incinerator, the mean absolute percentage error based on lower heating value is +0.017, and those based on the amount of electricity generated and the content of carton in waste incinerated are -0.029 and -0.030 respectively.


陳文輝、莊敏芳、陳思潔,「Taiwan Industrial Greenhouse Office, TIGO, IPCC 2007年評估報告」,(2008)。
行政院環境保護署網站,http://www.epa.gov.tw (2013)。
