  • 學位論文

公股銀行與民營銀行之經營績效- 金融海嘯前後比較分析

An Analysis on the Operating Performance for the Publicly-Stocked Banks and Private Banks in Taiwan– Evidences from Before and After the Global Financial Tsunami

指導教授 : 陳弘吉 李見發


隨著金融自由化與國際化的潮流,為了提升我國金融產業的競爭力,政府開放新銀行設立,銀行以存放利差獲取利潤的方式面臨極大的挑戰。而金融業是屬高管制的特殊產業,一般而言,公股銀行易受政府政策的牽制,且可能產生官僚文化;相對於公股銀行,民營銀行則積極地從事存放款業務,將可能導致民營銀行的授信品質降低且逾放比率提升。台灣在2002年加入世界貿易組織後,政府政策的開放對金融業衝擊甚大。本研究以本國24家銀行作為研究的對象,使用縱橫資料模型,檢測公股及民營銀行在金融海嘯前 (2003年至2007年) 以及金融海嘯後 (2009年至2012) 之經營績效差異。 實證結果顯示,在金融海嘯前後,民營銀行的非利息收入比率皆比公股銀行來的高,表示經營多元化對民營銀行是重要的,而銀行營業費用的控管在金融海嘯後變得格外重要。整體來看,在金融海嘯後,銀行對風險控管提高,授信品質變好,使得公股銀行與民營銀行的逾期放款比率皆變低,經營績效也比金融海嘯前好。


With the financial liberalization and the internationalization, the authorities opened the establishment of new banks to enhance the competitiveness in Taiwan’s financial industry. The banks with the major profits from the interest spread face a big challenge. The financial industry is a highly regulative one. There is a potentially bureaucratic culture in the publicly-stocked bank. Contrary to publicly-stocked banks, the private banks are more active to devote in deposit and loan services. It might lead to lower credit quality and higher non-performing loans ratio. After Taiwan took part in the World Trade Organization in 2002, it brought the grave impact for the financial industry. The present study employs a panel data model to exam the difference in the operating performance between the publicly-stocked and the private banks before and after the financial tsunami. The empirical results show that the non-interest income ratio in the private banks is higher than that in the publicly-stocked bank both before and after the financial tsunami. It means that the diversified services of the private banks are very important. The better controlling of operating expenses is an important part for both the private banks and the publicly-stocked banks especially after the financial tsunami. The risk management becomes strict and the credit quality is getting better after the financial tsunami. Therefore, the non-performing loans ratio is reduced in both the publicly-stocked banks and the private banks. The operating performance is improved after the financial tsunami.


ROA Panel Data Operating Performance ROE Financial Tsunami


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