  • 學位論文

觀光意象、滿意度與行為意圖相關之研究- 以台中市草悟道遊客為例

The study of relationship among tourists,tourism image,satisfaction and behavioral intentions – A case study of Taichung Calligraphy Greenway

指導教授 : 黃有傑


「草悟道」以串聯綠園道帶狀的都市空間架構為主,遊客能以緩慢、輕鬆的方式,透過體驗感受後能更加珍惜自己生存的土地。本研究旨在探討遊客對台中草悟道之觀光意象、滿意度與行為意圖之相關。主要研究目的為:瞭解遊客背景特徵之現況:瞭解遊客對「草悟道」之觀光意象、滿意度與行為意圖之現況:探討不同背景變項之遊客,對觀光意象、滿意度與行為意圖的差異性:分析「草悟道」遊客觀光意象、滿意度與行為意圖之相關情形。 透過問卷調查方法,以草悟道遊客為研究對像,取得445份有效問卷。調查所得結果以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料分析處理。 主要研究結果得知遊客現況以女性、未婚、學生者、大專學歷、月收入2萬以下、中部地區遊客較多。而遊客以「正面情感」、「活動體驗」、「推薦意圖」三方面較高。而不同性別、年齡、婚姻狀況、教育程度、個人平均月所得之遊客,在「觀光意象」、「滿意度」上部分具有顯著差異。遊客之「觀光意象」對「滿意度」與「行為意圖」具顯著影響。「滿意度」對「行為意圖」亦具有顯著影響。 本研究建議:應強化行銷草悟道觀光意象吸引外地遊客;增加導覽解說服務、落實綠能運具專用道實施,使遊客產生良好的旅遊體驗,進而提升遊客的重遊與推薦意願。


行為意圖 滿意度 觀光意象


" Calligraphy Greenway " in tandem greenway banded structure of urban space dominated, visitors can slow, relaxed manner, through the experience of feeling can cherish their land to survive. This study aimed to explore the Calligraphy Greenway of Taichung tourism image, satisfaction and behavioral intentions related tourists. The main objectives are: to understand tourists background characteristics of the current situation: Understanding the current of tourists' Calligraphy Greenway tourism image, situation satisfaction and behavioral intentions: To investigate the tourists of different background, different tourism image, satisfaction and behavioral intentions ;the analysis of "Calligraphy Greenway " tourism image, relevant satisfaction and behavioral intentions. Through a questionnaire survey method to the study of Calligraphy Greenway tourists like to obtain 445 valid questionnaires. Survey results using descriptive statistics, independent sample t test, one-way ANOVA, regression analysis and other statistical methods for data analysis and processing. The main results are that visitors to the status of women, unmarried student who tertiary education, monthly income 20,000 or less, the central region more tourists. The tourists' positive emotion "," experience "," recommend intention "high three. Different gender, age, marital status, education level, the average monthly income of individual tourists, the "tourism image", some significant differences with "Satisfaction" on. "Tourism image" for tourists "satisfaction" and "behavioral intention" has a significant impact. "Satisfaction" to "behavioral intentions" also has a significant impact. This study suggests: Calligraphy Greenway should strengthen marketing, tourism image to attract tourists; increase tours, which can be transported with the implementation of green lanes implemented, so that visitors have a good travel experience, and thus enhance the willingness to revisit and recommend tourists.




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