  • 學位論文


The Image on Forests of Preschool Children – An Example of Middle Area in Taiwan

指導教授 : 童秋霞


在人類的歷史中,森林和人類的生活及文明一直息息相關,由於人類長期生活於森林,許多的思想也因對森林的感悟而受影響;不論政治、經濟、社會,乃至哲學理論、文化與藝術風格等都直接或間接地受到森林的影響。因此,不論是生活上或是生理上,森林皆可滿足人們;尤其近年國內外皆有相關研究證實多接觸自然環境可以增加人類正面的影響,尤其對年齡越小的兒童最具影響力。 在兒童成長的過程中,學齡前幼兒教育被認為是最具影響性的教育階段,其關係到兒童未來人格與智能的成長,多接觸森林環境便能對兒童之知覺發展以及社會發展、增加兒童的觀察能力等影響。但每個人對森林的認識不同,對森林也產生不同之正負面觀點及感受,故本研究欲探討兒童之森林意象,瞭解學齡前兒童對森林之認知情形以及對森林之情感為何。因此,本研究以四至七歲的學齡前兒童為對象,採用立意抽樣的方式選出四地公私立案的幼稚園共六所,並以中部地區(台中縣市、彰化縣、南投縣)作為研究範圍。正式受測時間為96 年3 月27 日至4月19 日,共計八天;受測208 位學齡前兒童,有效樣本為181 份。採用繪畫法及訪談法作為研究調查方法,將繪畫法及訪談法之結果以計分方式進行轉換,並且採用敘述性統計、t 檢定、卡方檢定以及單因子變異數作為資料分析。 主要研究結果為:(一)認知部分可分為1.學齡前兒童之整體森林意象,大多數包含生物(動物、植物、人類)、非生物、環境因子、相互關係以及森林活動等。2.森林意象之單一屬性部分,其中(1)生物-動物部分多數呈現哺乳類、鳥類、昆蟲類等種物類型;(2)植物部分之呈現多以花草樹木為主;(3)而人類部分,學齡前兒童最少會出現一個人類森林裡面;(4)非生物的部分則多數有鳥巢、房子、車子等出現在森林裡;(5)環境因子部分,多數出現太陽、雲、下雨等氣候或是湖泊、土壤等環境;(6)於相互關係部份,則分為依存關係以及覓食關係,然而學齡前兒童在依存關係(例如小鳥在樹上等)及覓食關係(如猴子吃香蕉等)最少可呈現出兩種關係;(7)在森林活動部份,學齡前兒童多數認為可以森林裡玩遊戲、觀察動物、接觸動物及野餐休息等活動。(二)情感部分結果為1.學齡前兒童在森林的情緒多數是感到歡喜;2.且大多數的兒童是喜歡森林的;3.但學齡前兒童對森林的感覺卻是負面高於正面感覺。4.雖然如此,但許多學齡前兒童表示如果父母可以陪同去森林,將非常願意到森林裡。(三)透過變異數分析結果得知,不同性別在生物-人物之數量、非生物之正確認知及對森林之感覺具有顯著差異;而不同年齡的學齡前兒童在植物之正確認知上具有顯著性;在不同居住地之學齡前兒童對生物-人物之種類及數量、非生物之種類、覓食關係呈現之種類及正確認知、對森林之感覺、對森林之喜好有顯著差異。


In human history, forests are always relevant to the life and the civilization on earth. Forests are not only beneficial to the development of the civilization, it also influences the spiritual development. For example, the politics, economics, society, philosophy, culture and art have been affected by forests either directly or indirectly due to the humanity have been living in the forest for a long time. Therefore, the environment in forests could satisfy both people’s mental and physical necessary. Recently, the studies have been proving that the nature environment is helpful to human nature, especially for younger children. It is mentioned that, the education to preschool children is the most influential period among the process of growing; the education is helpful for developing children’s personality and intelligent. That is to say, the contact with forests is advantageous to improve children’s awareness, social development and observation ability. However, people have different understanding of forests and contribute different point of view on forests. Therefore, preschool children’s imagery on forest was investigated in order to understand their awareness and emotion of forests. The subjects of the research were the preschool children aged from four to seven. There were six kindergartens chosen by random from midland of Taiwan (including Tai-Chung County, Tai-Chung City, Chang-Hua County and Nan-Tou County). The formal test started from 27th of March to 19th of April. There were 181 valid samples among 208 samples. The naturalism in paintings and interview were used as the research methods. The data colleted by these methods were transferred into the quantitative data. The statistics were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, Chi-square test, t-test and one-way ANOVA. The results of the research can be separated into two parts, children’s awareness and emotion on forests. The first part contains: 1. The whole imagery of forests, including most of the creature, non-livings,environment factors, relationships and the activities in the forest. 2. The single contribute of the imagery to forests, including (1) creatures-most of them were mammiferous, birds and insects etc; (2) vegetation-most of them were flowers, grass and trees; (3) human-there was at least one person in the picture of forest; (4) non-living-nests, houses and cars were often shown in the pictures of forest; (5) environment factors- most of the pictures showed the sun, clouds, rain or lake and dirt; (6) relationships-the relationships of food and interdependent between the animals and environment; (7) activities- most of the preschool children believes that they could play games, observe and touch the animals and picnics in the forests. The part of emotion shows: 1. Most of the preschool children feel pleasant in forests; 2. Most of them like forests; 3. However, the rate of the negative feeling on forests is higher than positive feeling. 4.Nevertheless, many of the children indicated, they are willing to go to forests if their parents are with them. Finally, the significant differences of imagery on forests can be seen from the variable of sex, age and location through the methods of ANOVA.


吳明隆,(2003),SPSS 統計應用學習實務,台北:知城數位科技股份有限公司。
