  • 學位論文


Physical Channel and Virtual Channel Power Model Comparison

指導教授 : 許昌賢博士


在現今的社會中,擁有通路往往就可以主導整個市場。20世紀末網路科技在商業上的應用日漸興盛改變了商業競爭的結構,產生的電子商務提供了另一種銷售產品的通路型態,而隨著電子商務與電子化企業的發展,企業不得不面對新的商業型態(business model),而供應鏈管理是落實整合電子化企業與委外競爭優勢的最佳方法。但在零售通路業中,上下游之間普遍存在著不對等的權力,且存在著不信任與權力不平衡,且通路成員間的衝突影響製造商與零售通路商雙方合作及成長,這也困擾著所有的通路業者。本研究針對台灣虛擬通路成衣業者的通路權力中權力來源與權力探究通路成員滿意程度的因果關係,為探究其因果關係模式,採用SEM取向的結構模型路徑分析。本研究發現權力來源與權力對於滿意程度皆有正向的直接影響,因為在台灣成衣業實體與虛擬通路零售市場競爭情形激烈,若能得到其通路配銷商的支持與協助,將使其在市場中能多一份資源與對手競爭,也較能使其獲取更多的利益。因此通路配銷商與通路零售商之間接採取能維持雙方互助互利的合作模式,期望能藉由這樣的權力模式,讓雙方皆能獲取更大的利益。


In today's society, often have the channel predominant the marketing. Application of science and technology network in the commercial prosperity of increasing competition in the business has changed the structure of the end of the 20th century, from which the electronic commerce (E-commerce) is produced, providing an alternative channel model for selling products. With the development of the E-commerce, enterprises have to face a new business model, and supply chain management (SCM) is the optimal solution to implement and integrate E-commerce and competitive advantage of outsourcing. However, in retailer channel industry, among the upstream and downstream there generally exists unequal channel power, there is no confidence and power imbalances, and the conflicts among channel members impact on the cooperation and growth between both the manufacturers and channel retailers, which also trouble all practitioners in channel industry. This study aimed at the channel power source and the channel power itself in the channel power of Taiwan’s physical channel and virtual channel clothing industry to explore the causal relationship of the degree of satisfaction of the channel members. This study discovered that both the channel power sources and the channel power have positive direct impact on the degree of satisfaction, because the competition is fierce in the channel retailer market of Taiwan’s clothing industry. Therefore the channel distributors and the channel retailers can take and maintain mutually beneficial cooperative model, hoping by such a power model so that the both sides are able to reap greater benefits.


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