  • 學位論文

民宿主人人格特質、規模與經營績效關係之 民宿主人人格特質、規模與經營績效關係之研究―以南投清境地區民宿為例

A Study on the Relationship between Homestay Owner's Personality Traits, Operational Size and Performance – Taking Homestays in Cingjing, Nantou County As An Example

指導教授 : 林宜欣 鄭健雄


本研究旨在探討民宿主人人格特質、規模與經營績效之影響,資料來源以2008 年11 月交通部觀光局網站公布,以南投縣仁愛鄉清境地區民宿業者為研究對象,除採文獻探討與深度訪談,建構本研究架構與研究假設;並採問卷調查法,內容包含民宿規模、民宿主人基本資料、人格特質量表與經營績效衡量指標四部份之問卷為研究工具。隨機抽取樣本123 家民宿主人發放問卷,回收有效問卷107 份,有效回收率達86.9%。根據問卷調查,並對具有深刻實務體驗與經驗之民宿業者進行訪談,所彙整之資料分別以敘述性統計、t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、積差相關、多元逐步迴歸等統計分析方法,敘寫分析結果與結果驗證,據以提出結論如下: 一、民宿主人背景變項在經營績效上,年資、性別、經歷職業、退休情形均有顯著差異。經營類型、年齡、婚姻、教育程度、相關科系、居住地則無顯著差異。 二、不同民宿規模在經營績效上,資本額、客房數、員工數均有顯著差異。整體而言,資本額在501 萬至1000 萬元;客房數在11-15間;員工數在5-6 人之民宿規模,整體經營績效最好。 三、民宿主人人格特質與經營績效均有顯著正相關,以民宿主人具備「外向性」、「勤勉正直性」、「親和性」等人格特質相關性較高。 四、民宿主人具有外向性、親和性、勤勉正直性之人格特質對經營績效有顯著預測能力。換言之,民宿主人熱心、有親和力、外向開朗、誠實正直的特質,較能獲得消費者的認同,有助於提昇經營績效。


The present study aims to investigate the impact of homestay owner’s personality traits and homestay size has on the operational performance. Research data were collected from the official Website of the Tourism Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, released in November 2008. Targeting homestays at Cingjing area in Renai Township, Nantou County, the study adopted literature review and in-depth interview to construct the framework and hypotheses. A survey,comprising homestay size, owner’s demographic data, personality traits scale, and operational performance indicators, was conducted as the research instrument. Among all 123 questionnaires sent to the randomly sampled homestay owners, 107 valid responses were returned, reaching a valid return rate of 86.9% All data collected from the survey and interview with homestay owners having profound practical experiences, were compiled by descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, and multiple stepwise regression analysis, followed by a description of the analysis result and verification. Conclusions of the study are as follows: A. Some variables of homestay owner’s background: seniority, gender, previous occupational experience, and retirement conditions, have a significant effect on the operational performance. Other variables such as operational mode, age, marital status, education, relevance of university/college major and residential area have no significant impact on the operational performance. B.Homestay size, comprising total capital amount, number of guestrooms, and number of employees, has a significant effect on the operational performance. In general, homestay with a total capital between 5.01~10 million NTD, accommodating 11~15 guestrooms, and staffed with 5~6 employees tend to achieve the highest performance. C. Homestay owner’s personality traits have a significantly positive correlation with operational performance. Among all traits, extraversion, conscientiousness, and agreeableness have the highest correlation. D.Personality traits such as extroversion, agreeableness, and consciousness have strong predicting power on the operational performance. In other words, homestay owner having personality traits of ardor, agreeableness, open-mindedness, honesty and integrity tends to win higher identification from consumers, which in turn, helps increase the operational performance.


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