  • 學位論文


The Contemporary Interpretation and Practice of "To See the Nature and Thus to Become a Buddha" in Platform Sutra: Focusing on the Teaching of Venerable Sheng Yen

指導教授 : 釋果暉


本論文旨在探討漢傳禪佛教經典的當代詮釋、禪法傳承與教學運用,以及在當代社會的實踐。本論文選擇流傳千餘年的禪宗重要經典《六祖壇經》,研究範圍則聚焦於《壇經》「見性成佛」之意涵,「見性」究竟是見了什麼「性」?本論文的主要內容是有關「中華禪法鼓宗」創辦人聖嚴法師(1930-2009)對於《壇經》思想和「見性成佛」的詮釋、運用與實踐,針對聖嚴法師的詮釋和實踐兩大相關層面,探討此位當代「漢傳佛教」禪宗系統的法師,如何依據經典,賦予經教的當代詮釋意涵和主題,並依此發展和建立禪學思想和禪修教學方法,運用於僧團之禪法教育與修行實踐之指引,此即反映禪佛教復興的時代意義,藉由本研究窺知當代社會漢傳佛教復興的一個重要案例現象。 本論文的內容架構,第一章緒論提出研究問題意識和研究範圍,第二章是回顧印順法師(1906-2005)與當代各家學者有關「見性成佛」的論點。第三章則依照年代順序,整理聖嚴法師的禪學思路脈絡;法師自1977年在紐約正式成立禪中心,第一節依循法師的教禪和開示內容,從「解行並重」兩大層面,呈現法師對禪法的逐步建立與講述內容。第二節進一步爬梳整理1990年以來法師對於《壇經》思想專論和著作中的相關記載,聚焦於法師如何引述《壇經》和詮釋「見性成佛」有關的主題內涵,釐清法師在教導禪修所提出「方法」與「目標」互為因果的層面;「方法」是指運用般若空觀或空慧,目標即《壇經》之「見性成佛」,以及《壇經》影響後世禪宗有關「明心見性」的主張。 第四章是有關聖嚴法師如何運用《壇經》「見性」思想於各種法門的實踐與教學,包括對於默照禪、話頭禪、念佛禪、觀音法門等禪法的承繼、重建與開展。本論文結論指出:聖嚴法師重視《壇經》「見性成佛」與「識心見性」的經典意涵,法師依據經典的詮釋,建立禪修的目標與方法,不僅充實當代禪佛教的知識內容,也致力建構禪法教學的時代性與普及化,並且結合禪修與菩薩道悲願,具有社會倫理教育意義,以此推動漢傳佛教復興與禪法教學之核心理念。


This study aims to explore the contemporary interpretation of Buddhism, the inheritance of Chan, the use of Chan teaching materials, and Chan practice in contemporary society. This thesis pays most attention to The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch(六祖壇經), focusing on the interpretation of the phrase “To see the Nature and thus to become a Buddha” (見性成佛). When discussing the term nature in this teaching, there are multiple interpretations. This thesis discusses the teaching of Venerable Sheng Yen(聖嚴法師, 1930-2009), pinpoints the relationship of his interpretation and his practice, and analyzes how he interprets the sutra, in order to develop the direction of Chan education in the contemporary period. Thus, it portrays his significance in the revival of Buddhism in contemporary society. The thesis starts by defining the questions and scope of research in the first chapter. Then in the second chapter, it reviews contemporary thought on the interpretation of Chan, including the thought of Venerable Yin Shun(印順法師, 1906-2005). The third chapter examines the evolution of Venerable Sheng Yen’s Chan thought in chronological order. Venerable Sheng Yen established the Chan Meditation Center in New York in 1977. The chapter follows the development of his teaching from that time, and explains his approach that equally emphasizes academic analysis and practice. Further, the third chapter organizes sources related to his writings and publications, and clarifies his cause-and-effect analysis of “method” and “goal.” “Method” refers to utilizing the wisdom of void, while “goal” refers to reaching the level of “To see the Nature and thus to become a Buddha”. The fourth chapter is about how Venerable Sheng Yen uses the “To see the Nature” teaching in a variety of Dharma practices, including a variety of Chan practices, reconstructions, and expansions. This thesis concludes that Venerable Sheng Yen's emphasis on the teaching of the Platform Sutra clarified the goal and method of practicing Chan. The result not only enriched the understanding of contemporary Chan Buddhism, but also advanced the construction of contemporary Chan teaching, expanded Chan’s popularity, further combined meditation and compassion teachings, and contributed to the social significance of ethics education, thus promoting the core concepts of Hanchuan Buddhism(漢傳佛教) and its education.


馬克瑞,約翰(John R. McRae)(2000)。〈審視傳承──陳述禪宗的另一種方式〉。《中華佛學學報》第十三期。頁281-298。
