  • 期刊


The Effects of Goal Orientation, Goal Difficulty and Self-Montoring on College Students' Sporting Performance




The purposes of this study were: 1.) to explore the effects of goal orientation, goal difficulty and self-monitoring on sport performance; 2.) to explore the prediction effects of pretest performance, goal orientation, goal difficulty and self-monitoring on sport performance. The subjects were 106 students selected from Tak-ming Institute of Technology. The subjects were administered a self-established goal questionnaire, a self-monitoring questionnaire and a task-ego orientation in sport questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed using the three-way ANOVA (independent) and multiple stepwise regression analyses. The findings were as follows: l.) There was an interaction between goal difficulty and self-monitoring on sport performance: a.) for the non-self-monitoring respondents, the sport performance of difficult goal group was better than that of the moderate goal group and the easy goal group; the sport performance of moderate goal group was better than that of easy goal group; b.) under the category of different goal difficulties, the sport performance of the self-monitoring group was better than that of the non-self-monitoring group. 2.) The performance of the difficult goal group was better than that of moderate goal group and the easy goal group; the sport performance of the moderate goal group was better than that of the easy goal group. 3.) The sport performance of the self-monitoring group was better than that of the non-self-monitoring group. 4.) The students' self-monitoring and self-established goals could predict sport performance. Based on the results of this study, some applications and further research suggestions were offered.


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