  • 期刊


Observations on the Aborigines' Drinking Songs and Drinking Culture from Taiwanese Literature in the Q'ing Dynasty


臺灣是個典型的移民社會,發展至今,人口結構依移民先後次序以語言系統分類,主要可分爲原住民、福佬系、客家系,以及民國三十八年後跟隨國民政府遷臺的中國各省的新住民四大類,而本文所要敘述的是原住民部分。 所謂「酒歌」乃樂曲與酒有關之歌曲。臺灣原住民酒歌發展至今,可包含作者不明屬傳統民謠之酒歌,與有固定詞曲作者屬創作歌謠之酒歌兩大類,而後者數量遠較前者豐富很多。 本文有關「清代臺灣文獻」,將其設限於《臺灣文獻叢刊》。臺灣原住民音樂之研究,日治時期以前只見文字資料,並未留下樂譜、影音資料,由於本文研究範圍限定在清代,因此只能作有關傳統民謠文字資料方面之研究,無法涉及音樂本體之研究。 本文將分成所引用之清代臺灣文獻、清代臺灣文獻中所見原住民之酒名、清代臺灣原住民酒歌、清代臺灣原住民之飲酒文化數部分,來探討清代臺灣原住民之酒歌與飲酒文化。


Taiwan is a classical immigrant society. So far, the composition of Taiwan's population is classified according to the immigration order into three language systems: the Aboriginal, the Holo, the Hakka and the new residents who immigrated to Taiwan following the Nationalist Government in 1949. This paper aims to discuss the Aboriginal. Drinking songs refer to music and singing about drinking. Taiwanese aborigines' drinking songs consist of two main groups: traditional folk drinking songs with anonymous authors and those with specific composers. The latter is far richer than the former. The ”Taiwanese Literature in the Q'ing Dynasty” in the paper refers specifically to the ”Taiwan Literature Compilations”. During the Japanese colonization, studies on Taiwanese aboriginal music could be seen in texts without any music or any video or audio recordings. Because this paper aims to focus on the Q'ing Dynasty period, the content will be limited to studies on the texts about traditional folk songs. The study on the music itself is unattainable. The paper will discuss the drinking songs and drinking culture of Taiwanese aborigines during the Q'ing Dynastyin the following sections: the Taiwanese literature during the Q'ing Dynasty period quoted, names of aboriginal alcoholic drinks seen in the literature, Taiwanese aboringes' drinking songs during the Q'ing Dynasty period, and the drinking culture in Taiwanese aborigines' daily life during the Q'ing Dynasty.




黃靖雯(2014)。有「酒」食,先生「釀」? 研究單位在台灣水果酒業技術發展中的角色〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2014.01093
