  • 期刊


Evaluating the Effect of North Side Ditch Control Works in Shanchonliao Landslide Area




地滑地 排水溝 觀測 整治成效


Shanchonliao landslide area located at Chishang Township, Pingtung County, had occurred disasters of deep-seated landslide in 2000, which caused slope land destroyed, many houses and roads damaged. Although the government departments actively participated in the reconstruction work after the disaster, they had been unable to control the sliding trend due to local terrain sliding or improper construction and excavation methods. Even after the initial renovation project has gone through more than ten years, some of the facilities have been damaged and their functions have been lost. Until 2016, the north side ditch remediation project of control work was resumed, so that the slope runoff can be smoothly discharged to the downstream, and the slope flushing is controlled, so that the overall instability is improved. In this study, we used the monitoring data of the in-hole inclination pipe of the mountain brown shoal to analyze the sliding situation before and after the north side ditch remediation project in the mountain brown shoal area, and then evaluate whether the remediation project has achieved control work results. The analysis results show that the displacement of each hole in 2015 is quite large before the implementation of the control work project. Although there was still displacement in the 2016 rainy season after completion, the displacement of adjacent representative hole BH101-1 did not increase, and continuous observation in 2017 and 2018 the displacement were more drastically reduced, and even the displacement was about 1/5 of that before the project. This means that after the north side ditch remediation project was implemented, the drainage effect was exerted, and the sliding of the overall slippery land tends to be stable.


Landslide area Ditch Monitoring Remediation effect
