  • 期刊


An Action Research of Experiential Character Education Learning Model in Elementary After-School-Center




The study designed the program of "Experiential and Character Education" with six topics of respect, responsibility, trust, mutual help, cooperation, and brave based on Experiential Learning Model. The program was implemented in an after-school-center and the adoptability and influences on the characters of students were discussed. Six courses were delivered in after-school-center I (alias) during winter vacation. Participants were 18 students from third to sixth grade. The study adopted the approach of action research. Data were collected from research peers, group interview, journals, and the feedbacks from students. The results showed the program of adventure and character education had positive effects on the character cognition, attitudes, and behaviors of research participants after the courses were delivered. In addition, timely consulting for incidents occurring during the courses would improve the character cognition of participants. Furthermore, the implementation of program required the cooperation of the teaching group, after-school-center, and parents. Moreover, stable teaching environment and teaching group would advance the stability of the program and avoid the obstacles of implementation. The outcomes of character education can only be obtained through chronic observations. Collecting the feedbacks from multiple channels could make up the deficiency of group interview and help identify the concept of character which in turn would assist educators in keeping track of students' learning conditions. The suggestion proposed by peers could facilitate the teaching ability of educators and smooth the delivery of courses. The relationship between educators and students was also advanced after the implementation of program. It is suggested that, after-school-center teachers should make appropriate identity shifts, adopt multiple methods for character education, and pursue self-education to initiate innovative courses.


