  • 期刊


A Study on Print Quality Attributes of Thermal Dye SublimationTransfer Printing Using Offset Printing


熱昇華轉印技術其主要特點是轉印圖像色彩鮮明,層次豐富,在高溫下使轉印油墨中的染料受熱昇華,滲入物體表面,承印物凝固後即形成色彩亮麗的圖像。所以熱轉印產品經久耐用,圖像不易脫落、龜裂和褪色。傳統的熱昇華轉印是指透過網版印刷,而網版印刷的最大特點是印刷墨層厚、承印材料廣泛等優點,但缺點卻是印製速度慢、半色調表現不易、生產量低,不適合快速大量之印刷品。而平版印刷的特色是印刷速度快、色彩再現表現佳、製版容易快速且簡單,且目前平版印刷也逐漸走向短版印刷,更符合客製化及個性化商品的趨勢發展。本研究目的主要為探討在平版印刷機,使用不同的輸出網線數與網點形狀印刷在道林紙上,在熱昇華轉印製程中的印刷品質特性。本研究採用實驗研究法,在印製完所有樣張後,進行系統隨機抽樣抽取所需要樣張數量,再將所有量測數據進行統計分析,瞭解其相關性及其差異性,並透過統計結果進行分析討論。經由實驗分析可得知,以FM網點42 Micro大小印製再轉印後之濃度最顯著,轉印前後網點面積、階調擴增無顯著差異,因主要是熱昇華墨色濃度變化,所以網點面積並無顯著改變。不論是用AM網點或是FM網點印製,在轉印後皆有明顯的色域變化,平均變化在0.2以上,顯示熱昇華油墨在轉印後色濃度明顯提升。


S Sublimation transfer images bright, rich layersAt high temperatures the dye by sublimation transfer ink to penetrate the surface, after the solidification of the substrate to form a brightly colored images. Heat transfer products are durable, the image is not easy to fall off, cracking and fading. Traditional sublimation transfer through screen printing, screen printing's ink thickness, using a wide range of materials, However, the printing speed is slow, the production volume is low, is not suitable for the fast printing. The lithographic printing speed is fast, colorful, and plate-making easy and fast, lithographic gradually into the short-run printing, more in line with the trend. This study investigated the use of lithographic printing press, using different output cable and dot shape.Printing on printing paper in the sublimation transfer printing process, the printing quality characteristics. In this study, using experimental research, systematic random sampling extraction required number of proofs, statistical analysis was performed through the statistical results discussed to understand and differences. The experimental analysis that 42 Micro size printed concentration, FM outlets dot area in the pre-transfer and after the transfer, tone value increase did not change significantly. Sublimation ink concentration, no significant change in the dot area. AM the outlets or FM outlets printed after the transfer Individually significant changes in the color gamut, the average change in the more than 0.2, sublimation ink color density after the transfer has improved significantly.


