  • 期刊


Review and Analysis of the Review Results of Taiwan Nurses Association Nursing Projects (2011~2013)


背景 護理專案是護理人員進階N4的重點專業能力訓練,因通過率低而影響護理人員進階之意願。目的 本研究之目的在於分析2011至2013年護理專案的得分概況;並比較護理專案是否通過與專案屬性之差異性。方法 採回顧性描述性研究,收集2011至2013年台灣護理學會護理專案資料庫之資料作分析。並隨機抽樣100篇護理專案之審查委員意見作內容分析。結果 2011-2013年共有3,359篇護理專案送審,排除不符合規定之護理專案後共有3,246篇,通過篇數1,099篇,通過率為33.9%;護理專案送審作者所服務醫院之地理分佈以北部、醫學中心、重症科別最多;平均得分及通過率以中部最高,離島最低。送審主題以「護理服務技術或品質之改進」類最多(77.3%),得分比率最低的評分項目是問題及導因確立、現況分析、結果評值。護理專案主題與是否通過無統計上顯著差異;但在年度、送審醫院地理分布、機構層級、科別等皆有統計上顯著差異。在抽樣100篇中,其審查委員意見之內容分析結果顯示:正向意見最多的項目是文獻查證與參考資料;負向意見最多的項目依序是文獻查證與參考資料、現況分析、解決辦法及執行過程、結果評值、問題及導因確立。結論/實務應用 本研究分析護理專案之屬性、送審趨勢及審查委員意見,在撰寫專案時問題及導因確立、現況分析、結果評值等是待加強項目。研究結果可提供護理人員執行專案之參考,及作為推動「護理人員臨床專業能力進階制度」變革與決策之依據。


Background: Nursing projects are a key part of N4 professional competency training for nursing personnel. Low passage rates for these projects have been shown to negatively affect the intent of nursing personnel to advance further in the nursing ladder system. Purpose: This study analyzes the scores for nursing projects between 2011 and 2013, the passage rate for these projects, and the differences in passage rates between different types of projects. Method: This retrospective and descriptive study collected data on nursing projects conducted under the auspices of the Taiwan Nurses Association between 2011 and 2013. Furthermore, the comments of reviewers on 100 nursing projects were randomly selected and subjected to content analysis. Results: A total of 3,359 nursing projects were examined. Eliminating unqualified nursing projects left a total of 3,246 projects for the dataset. A total of 1,099 projects were scored with passing grades, giving a passing rate of 33.9%. The authors of these passing projects worked primarily in northern Taiwan, worked in medical centers, and worked in intensive care departments. The projects submitted by authors in central Taiwan had the highest average score and passing rate, while those living in offshore islands had the lowest average score and passing rate. Most of the project topics belonged to the category: "improvement of nursing service skills or quality" (77.3%). Items with the lowest scores were: validation of questions, analysis of the current situation, and evaluation of results. The topics of nursing projects did not relate significantly to passing rate. However, years of experience, geographic location of hospital, level of institution, and department each had a statistically significant impact on the passage rate. A content analysis of reviewer comments was used to extract common problems. Most of the positive comments were related to the category of "literature review and reference", while most of the negative comments were related to the categories of "literature review and reference", "analysis of current situation", "problem result and process", "evaluation of results", and "validation of questions". Conclusion / Implications for Practice: This study analyzed the types of nursing projects, the trends in submission, and the comments of project reviewers. The results indicate that the validation of problems in project writing and current situation analysis and the evaluation of results should be improved. These findings may be referenced by nursing personnel for executing projects in the future and for developing improved criteria / methodologies for the clinical ladder system for nursing personnel.


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