  • 期刊


Opportunity and Destiny-Dialectics of Tourism Development in Atayal Area, Nanjhuang, Miaoli




The man-land relationship, one of the four traditions in geography, had well guided the interaction between the people and the environment, but the environment is just treated as a passive agent or the Second Nature by the recent theories. Owing to ignoring the characteristic of unpredictable situation or uncertainty for physical environments, it enhances this study to focus on the role of lands, especially in vulnerable regions. In Taiwan, hazards by the earthquake and the typhoon have usually destroyed the tourism industry, taking the Atayal area in Miaoli for instance to indicate the crucial factor of physical elements purposed. The study adopted the ideas of opportunity and destiny from the Monopoly game and the methods of the literature review, environment investigation, in-depth interview and questionnaire survey. The result presented there were six historical stages, including the formation, development, stagnation, transition, re-stagnation, and re-transition stages on tourism. Key elements for the change were found of the advertisement by the car dealer and the huge disasters by the nature hazard. Referring to the actor-network theory, the physical environment could be regarded as a subjective stakeholder along with the other factors in the tourism region. Finally, the result showed the spatial dialectics in practice through the conceptual triad in production of space by Henri Lefebvre.


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