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The Seniority System in the Legislative Yuan in Taiwan: Change of the Transfers among Committees and the Convener's Seniority


本文旨在分析我國立法院自第二屆全面改選以後,立法委員遊走各常設委員會及召集委員資深程度的演變趨勢。研究結果顯示,除了民進黨黨團在委員會的分配及召集委員的推派上,有明文採資深制度來作為內部的規範外,其餘政黨皆是以協商方式進行。國民黨易受黨中央態度、次級團體運作及委員選票實力的影響;親民黨則以立委的專業為主要考量;台灣團結聯盟則因委員人數最少,且有固守同一委員會的默契,在第一會期時即已決定委員會的分配。 在立法委員遊走常設委員會的情形上,在第二屆至第四屆採「自由登記額滿抽籤制」時,立法委員遊走於常設委員會的情形日趨嚴重,但在第五屆改採「政黨比例分配制」後,遊走的情形即有明顯的改善,尤其台聯黨籍立委固守同一委員會的比例最高,其次是親民黨,再者是國民黨,最後則為民進黨。而各常設委員會的成員流動性,除了「科技及資訊」委員會外,也皆有明顯降低的現象。另外,在第五屆取消召集委員「連選連任一次」的限制後,新科立委擔任召集委員的比例即有明顯的下降,尤其對國民黨及民進黨之新科立委擔任召集委員的比例更是大幅度驟降,至於新成立的親民黨及台聯,因黨籍委員人數較少又多是新科立委,故由新科立委擔任召集委員的比例明顯偏高。


The purpose of this paper is to discuss the change of transfers of committee assignment and the seniority system of committee chairs since the second-term Legislative Yuan in Taiwan. The research finds that, except the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), there are no seniority regulations about committee assignments and committee chairs. In the Kuomintang (KMT) caucus, committee transfers and chairs are decided by its headquarters, sub-groups, and legislators' power. As for the People First Party, profession is the main factor. Due to the limited member of seats won by the Taiwan Solidarity Union (TSU), its members participate in a small number of committees and stick to their original assignments in the first session. After the Legislative Yuan adopted ”registering at own will but casting lots if no empty slots” system, committee transfers have become more and more common from second to fourth term Legislative Yuan. The situation was improved obviously after changing to the ”party proportional system” in the fifth Legislative Yuan. The TSU members have the lowest rate of committee transfers, then PFP members, then KMT members, and then DPP members. The committee transfers within every committee also declined significantly except the ”Technology and Information Committee”. Besides, after the term-limit of the committee chair was abolished in the fifth Legislative Yuan, the proportion of new legislators serving as the committee chair has largely declined, especially those of the KMT and DPP members. Because the PFP and the TSU have just entered in the Legislative Yuan, their proportions of new legislators serving as the committee chairs are higher than those of the KMT and the DPP.




楊清富(2007)。立法院在兩岸關係決策的定位 -立法院兩岸事務因應對策小組之研究〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2007.10329
