  • 期刊


An Investigation of Science Intern Teachers' Conceptions and the Thinking Processes about Instructional Planning


本研究旨在探討國中理化實習教師在第一年的教學工作中,對教學計畫的認知,進行教學計畫的內容、歷程與困擾,及影響其教學計畫的因素。 本研究採取質的研究法,針對兩位畢業於國立彰化師範大學物理系的實習教師(明昇和建和)參與本項研究,在民國八十七學年度第一學期,經由晤談、教室觀察、現場紀錄、相關檔收集等方式,進行資料的收集,並利用三角校正法對於前述各項資料,交互審核與確認,以提高本研究的效度。 研究結果顯示,兩位實習教師皆視熟悉教材內容、預測學生反應、構思教學活動、收集資料、編寫工作單及想像練習等,為主要的教學計畫內涵。統整而官,兩位教師對教學計畫的認知,多偏重於自身教學行為的認識與規劃,並顯現以傳達學科內容為取向的風貌,而缺乏對學校與社群文化之特質,及評量觀念的瞭解。實習教師進行教學計畫的歷程,在學期初呈現片段、不連貫且易變動的特質,至學期後段,整體歷程才漸趨連貫及互動。此外,實習教師對實驗教學的想法,仍停留在驗證理論的層次,對實驗教學的計畫,亦多著重在實驗操作層面的準備及要求,較少顧及整體實驗情境的安排及引導。在計畫過程所遭遇的困擾方面,實習教師則經常面臨來自現實環境需求與自我理想相衝突的兩難問題。 整體而官,兩位理化實習教師皆有投入教學計畫工作的意願,但對教學計畫的意義則尚未具備全面性的認知,所呈現的教學計畫風貌,仍難跳脫教科書的結構及次序。因此,儘早讓職前教師接觸實際教學情境,並配合在職研習及教學資源庫的使用,應是協助實習教師建立對教學計畫的認知,進而擬定合宜教學計畫的可行方向。




The purpose of this study was to explore two science intern teachers’conceptions of the instructional planning during their first year teaching. In addition, the contents, the processes and difficulties while they planned the instruction, and the factors which influence their plans were investigated. Qualitative research method was used for the study. Two intern teachers, physics graduates from National Chang-hua University, participated in the study. During the first semester of 1998, the information needed was gathered from interviews, classroom observations, field notes and related documents. As far as the procedure of data analysis is concerned the triangulation was adopted to establish the validity of the research. The result of the research showed that both the teachers thought it is necessary to construct the instructional plans by acquainting themselves with the instruction content, predicting students’ response, designing instructional activities, gathering information, writing work-sheets and practicing imaginarily. Above all, the conception of the instructional planning stressed by two teachers was to know and design the instructional behaviors themselves and present a tendency to convey the subject matter rather than understand the features of the school, social culture and the concept of evaluation. The intern teachers’ plans were inconsistent and varied easily at the beginning of the semester but became continuous and interactive at the end of the semester. In addition, the intern teachers, thoughts of the experimental instruction remained on the level of proving theories, and the preparations and requests of the experimental manipulations were more emphasized in the plans of the experimental instruction, but the arrangements and directions of the experimental context were often ignored. The difficulty that happened during the process of designing a teaching plan was that the intern teachers were usually faced with the conflicts from the need of the practical environment and their own ideas. The five factors affected the intern teachers’ instructional planning: (1)teachers themselves, (2)students, (3)the environment, (4)lessons, and (5)others. In these factors, teachers themselves and the environment affected most widely. As a whole, the two science intern teachers were willing to devote themselves to making lesson plans but they did not have the adequate knowledge for the meaning of the instructional plans, and their instructional plans still imitated the structures and sequences of the textbook. Therefore, providing the preservice teachers with the practical teaching environment and the inservice teachers with the workshop and instruction resources as soon as possible would be a good way to help beginning teacher construct the conceptions of lesson plan and to design suitable lesson plans.




Huang, L. C. (2001). 高中英語科實習教師較學計畫歷程:個案研究 [master's thesis, National Taiwan Normal University]. Airiti Library. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-2603200719114144
