  • 期刊


An Investigation of the Differences between Instructor-rated and Undergraduate Self-Reported on Undergraduates' Learning Performance of the Initial Flight Training


本篇報告以鑑定飛行歷程中的「學習態度」、「習飛動機」、「能力評估」、「身心壓力及焦慮」和「學習輔助術」的表現作爲調查的類別,對教官及其所帶飛的學生進行配對的調查。所得的資料分別進行:(一)描述統計,藉以說明完訓學生與停訓學生在各題項上評定的趨勢以及特性;(二)配對組t檢定,考驗完訓學生/帶飛教官以及停訓學生/帶飛教官配對時,兩者就同一題項上評定的差異。 描述統計中可看出完訓組學生對本身有較正向的評定,而停訓組學生則較持低肯定的評定;配對組t檢定中,完訓組師生之間的評定差異多集中於「能力評估」與「學習輔助術」的認知上,而停訓組的師生在「能力評估」、「學習輔助術」、「學習態度」、「習飛動機」和「身心壓力及焦慮」各方面均呈現差異。 本文並針對完訓與停訓組學生所呈現之差異現象提出教學之建議。


The purpose of this investigation was to understand the rated difference betwcen instructor-pilot's and undergraduates' about undergraduates' learning performance in the initial flight training. Instructor-pilots' and undergraduates' viewpoint on the five dimensions of learning performance were compared. There were includes in the categorise of ”learning attitude”, ”learning motivation”, ”flight ability evaluation”, ”psycho-physical stress” and ”learning strategy”. The data were from 21 pairs of instructor-passed undergraduates and 20 pairs instructor-failed undergraduates. Results were presented in two ways. First was to describe the tendency and characteristics in each evaluation items for the passed and failed students pilots, The mean value showed that passed student holds more positive attitude on evaluation than the no-passed students. Second, t-test was to understand the differences for the pair comparison of the instructors-passed / instructors-failed students on each item. For the passed-pair, the significant difference focused on the ”flight ability evaluation” and the ”learning strategy”. Moreover, the failed-pair showed more differences in ”flight ability evaluation”, ”learning strategy”, in ”flight ability evaluation”, ”learning strategy”, ”learning attitude”, ”learning motivation”, and ”psychophysical stress”. This paper also provided suggestions to improve the flight training effective.
