  • 期刊


The influence of exercise interventions on balance and gait in older adults: A systematic review




Walking gait is regarded as a key metrics of good health and life function. It is the current clinical trend to slow down the aging rate and improve physiological pain through exercise therapy. If the benefits of different forms of exercise interventions on walking gait and balance can be recognized in advance, the walking stability of elder people can be improved. This helps to decrease the probability of falling. The purpose of this study is to identify the benefits of different exercise interventions on the balance and gait in older adults. Both the domestic and the foreign journal databases were searched by keywords, and included 16 journals for discussion. The results that related to gait and balance of the elderly with exercise intervention were classified and aggregated. Literature results showed that the improvement of dynamic and static balance and gait performance were depended on the type and intensity of the intervention. Tai Chi and Eight Brocades exercises use a lot of low-position center of gravity transfer. They both have good effects on the improvement of the pressure swing center and the stability limit. In addition, a combination of resistance and balance compound exercise program can help improve plantar pressure distribution and reduce the variability of gait in elders. Even though the overall benefits of the compound exercise program can be determined according to efficacy indicators, the exact dose-response relationship of the compound exercise program is still unclear. Therefore, the specific benefits of a compound exercise program on balance and gait need to be further explored. Moreover, it is suggested that prescriptions of the elderly exercise in the future can focus on lower limb multi-joint exercise training. Through the low-load resistance equipment and the dynamic activity scheduling that disrupts the center of gravity, the exercise intensity can be easily adjusted. The balance ability and the gait stability of the elderly will be improved, then achieve the benefits of preventing and delaying aging.


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