  • 期刊


Middle-aged and Older Tennis Players







Objective: To evaluate the training effects of tennis on the maintenance of cardiorespiratory function in middleaged and older individual Design: Prospective study of a cohort of older tennis players examined two years after initial examination Setting: Research project at a hospital-based exercise physiology laboratory. Participants: 15 male (mean age: 66±4 yrs, range: 52-82 yrs) and 5 female (mean age: 5O±7 yrs, range: 40-59 yrs)subject free of significant cardiovascular, pulmonary and musculoskeletal diseases completed this study. Intervention: During the study period, the subjects practiced tennis 3-7 times per week. The baseline cardiorespira tory function was recorded in the initial exercise test. Same masurement was repeated two years later to determine the rate of decline in cardiorespiratory function. Main outcome: The 2-year trends of cardiorespiratory function in both groups. measure: Results: The maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) decreased from 33.5±l1.8 mI.kg-l.min-l to 31.0±8.5ml.kgl,min.1 in the male, and it increased from 27. 7±3. 7 m1.kg- 1.min-l to 29.0±4.8ml.kg-l.min-l in the female. However, the rate of decline was statistically insignificant. At the anaerobic threshold (A 1). There was also no significant change in VO2 Conclusion: This data substantiates that regularly practicing tennis may delay the decline of cardiorespiratory function in the middle-aged and older individuals. In addition. Tennis may be prescribed as a suitable aerobic exercise for the senior citizen.


cardiorespiratory function
