  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess


Ecosystem Management Decision Support System (Ⅰ): Planning and Integration of a Geographic Database





Ecosystem management decision support system (EMDS) is a useful tool for forest management. The establishment of an EMDS allows integrated knowledge-based ecosystem analysis using landscape classification as the primary database unit. Therefore, it is superior to a traditional geographic database which does not employ landscape data. This report is an EMDS pilot study implemented at the Liukuei Experimental Forest of the Taiwan Forestry Research Institute. The procedure involved 3 main tasks: 1) extraction of multi-scale ecological units from a digital terrain model based on different stream orders; 2) planning and integration of a geographic database, including delineation of composite boundaries, compilation of the database, and spatial matching of the data layers; and 3) establishment of a multi-scale geographic database which relates base maps, vector maps, raster maps, and satellite images. Meanwhile, the established geographic database has been integrated into the EMDS and will be used in further analyses.
