  • 期刊


Promoting the Use of Skin Surface Anesthetic to the Puncture Site of Radial Artery in Cardiac Catheterization




Traditional cardiac catheterization is through the way that we insert in patient's groin; however, this may lead to some complications such as hematoma and hemorrhage. In order to decrease the possibility of complications, it's more widespread that we conduct the surgery through radial artery. The shortcomings are that the surgery is time-consuming, and the punctual wound may cause stabbing pains. To improve this phenomenon, we will apply skin surface anesthetic to the body parts before the surgery. By inquiring into the patients, it shows that the average Numerical Rating Scale 7.94 points indicates that the process we apply the skin surface anesthetic to the body parts is not rigorous enough, which shows the appliance is 25%. The ad hoc group analyzed the reasons of the problem, and drew up and implement the plans to improve the situation, which include: (1) establishing the medical guideline, (2) establishing the standard operation process of applying the skin surface anesthetic; and formulating the quality improvement schedule, and then monitoring the outcome, (3) holding interdepartment conferences discussing the standard operation process, (4) adding a sheet of applying the skin surface anesthetic and a checklist, (5) revising cardiac catheterization clinical passway and pre-operative multimedia education program, (6) holding lectures for clinical staff. After the staff follow the guidelines, the appliance rate from 25% to 96.9%, and the average Numerical Rating Scale decreased from 7.94 point to 2.01 point, which indicated that applying the skin surface anesthetic can alleviate the pain of the cardiac catheterization.


cardiac catheterization pain score


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