  • 期刊


Ethical Dilemmas Encountered by Clinical Research Nurses During the COVID-19 Pandemic




This article aims to discuss the ethical dilemmas of clinical research nurses under the impact of COVID-19 pandemic. During the pandemic period, patients poured into hospitals and leaded to several ethical problems. The shortage of hospital beds and medical supplies triggered several controversial medical ethical issues. Some arguable ethical issues which emerged in the epidemic included decision-making of life support system, visiting rights, the quality of care and the other emergency medical needs. Clinical research institutions are facing challenges and difficulties as well. Clinical research nurses are experiencing moral distress and ethical challenges between the integrity of clinical trials and the protections of the study participants' rights and wellbeing. In order to ensure the quality of implementation of clinical research, to protect the participants' rights and to reduce the interruption, deviation or termination of the study, we recommend to give clinical research nurses flexible delegations and authorizations by laws and regulations, and to promote multiple implementations of telemedicine to reduce the ethical dilemma of clinical research trial even still in the pandemic era.


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