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Effectiveness of Using Multiple Teaching Strategies for a Bioethics Course Aimed at First Year Students with an Interdisciplinary Background at a Medical College




Respect for life is the basic virtue central to the practice of bioethics. How to cultivate among medical students the moral characteristics associated with valuing life and caring about individuals has become one of the challenges of medical education. The main purpose of this study was to explore the effectiveness of a bioethics course that used multiple teaching strategies. First year students at a medical college were enrolled to participate in this study. A total of 144 students from three different departments took the course. In addition to traditional lectures, the other teaching strategies used included panel discussions with patients and family members, movies, personal reflection reports, group reports on illness progress experiences, competition among the group reports, participation in class group discussions, and participation in group discussion that included all students from the three different departments. An evaluation form was collected from the students at the end of the course and a total of 136 students (94.4%) completed the evaluation. The majority of students reported that the six major goals of the course had been mostly achieved. As to the helpfulness of the teaching strategies, the panel discussions with patients and family members and the movies were found to have the highest effectiveness. This study proves that multiple teaching strategies can be used successfully to teach bioethics.


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