  • 期刊


The Effectiveness of an Acupressure Program for Constipation in Nursing Home Residents


本研究旨在比較穴位按摩、腹部按摩及軟便劑使用對護理之家住民便秘改善之差異性。採實驗性前後測研究設計,研究對象爲二所護理之家近一個月每週排便次數少於2次住民,共計90名。採簡單隨機分派於兩組實驗組-「軟便劑使用+腹部按摩」組和「軟便劑使用+穴位按壓+腹部按摩」組及對照組-「軟便劑使用」組。收案當日以「便秘的定義性特徵評量表」評估住民便秘情形,並紀錄排便次數、糞便軟硬程度等,次日開始接受介入措施連續10天腹部及穴位按壓,每天觀察排便次數、糞便軟硬程度被記錄於「穴位按壓結果紀錄表」及「腹部按摩結果紀錄表」。EPI-INFO及SAS統計軟體進行資料分析,採變異數、卡方檢定及重覆測量分析(Generalized Estimating Equations; GEE)。研究結果:以統計方式控制干擾因素,發現三組間並無顯著差異。研究結果雖未能顯示穴位按壓對便秘之成效,因水分、水果量及罹病種類等變項,以統計方法控制但仍是重要干擾變項。建議未來研究,研究設計上納入對干擾變項之控制。


便秘 穴位按壓 老人 腹部按摩


The purpose of this study is to compare the acupressure program with abdominal massage and laxatives for constipation in elderly nursing home residents. An experimental research design was conducted in two nursing homes in Hsinchu City, Taiwan, with ninety elderly (aged over sixty-five years) nursing home residents who experienced bowel openings less than twice a week. Subjects were assigned to three groups randomly, one is control group (with laxatives only), and the other two are experimental groups (one with laxatives and abdominal massage and the other with laxatives, acupressure and abdominal massage). The research was performed over 10 days. A double blind (residents and assessors blind) and a randomized controlled study were applied for the research. Nursing home residents were unaware of the group to which they belonged. The assessor was unaware of the particular residents categorized for the experimental group. Each of the two intervention groups was compared with the control group. Constipation evaluation sheets were recorded daily for ten days. Observation of the frequency of defecation and the consistency, particularly firmness, of feces over each twenty-four hour period was recorded on the appropriate record sheets. Two researchers were trained in the process of abdominal massage and acupressure. Analysis was performed using EPI-INFO and SAS software for deviation, chi-square and a generalized estimating equation test. Research results showed: three variations as interference factors were turned out and there was no relevant evidence from each of the groups. The research result does not demonstrate the effectiveness of acupressure as an intervention in constipation of elderly nursing home residents. The interference factors have been controlled although they may have been affected by fluid and fruit intake and different diseases suffered by participants. Further studies with strict control of the interference factors are needed.


Constipation Acupressure Elderly Sense Abdominal Massage


