  • 期刊

Reliability of Nicholas Hand-Held Dynamometer of Muscle Strength Measurement in Children with Cerebral Palsy and Non-Disabled Children



背景及目的:腦性麻痺兒童肌力較正常兒童弱,但對應用於此類兒童之測力器信度研究較少。因此本研究的目的在於探究尼克拉斯手握測力器(Nicholas Manual Muscle Tester;簡稱NMMT)於正常兒童及腦性麻痺兒童肌力測試之再測信度。方法:共20名腦性麻痺兒童及30名正常兒童參與本研究,年齡範圍均為6到12歲。以ICC相關係數(intraclass correlation coefficient)(ICC(2,1))分析尼克拉斯手握測力器使用於兩組兒童12組肌肉群之再測信度。結果:兩組兒童同一測試者之同日再測信度皆呈現高度信度(ICC=0.83-0.98)。正常兒童之不同日再測信度高(ICC=0.75-0.98);腦性麻痺兒童除肘伸直肌、髖內收肌外,其餘均達中高信度(ICC=0.60-0.94);兩組兒童不同測試者間信度除肩外展肌、肩伸值肌、肘伸直肌、髖伸直肌外,其餘均達中高信度(ICC=0.62-0.97)。結論:尼克拉斯手握測力器可應用於腦性麻痺兒童作為一種可信的測力器。


肌力 再測信度 兒童 腦性麻痺 測力器


Purpose: Muscle strength plays an important role in the motor function of children with cerebral palsy (CP). The information about the prerequisites for muscle strength measurement methods, validity and reliability, however, are lacking in children with CP. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to examine the reliability of muscle strength measurement with a Nicholas Manual Muscle Tester (NMMT) in children with CP and non-disabled (ND) children. Subjects: Twenty children with spastic CP and 30 ND children ages 6 to 12 years participated. Methods: The intrasession, intersession, and interrater reliability were analyzed with intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC (2,1)) for 12 muscle groups. Results: The intrasession reliability was good (ICC=0.83-0.98) in both groups. The intersession reliability was good in ND children (ICC=075-0.98), and moderate to good in children with CP (ICC=0.60-0.94), except for the elbow extensors and hip adductors. The interrater reliability was moderate to good in both groups (ICC=0.62-0.97), except for the shoulder abductors and extensors, elbow extensors and hip extensors in children with CP. Conclusion: The NMMT is reliable in testing muscle strength of non-disabled children and children with CP.


