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The Influence of Public Facility, Environmental Quality, and Real Estate Business Cycle on the Housing Price-Real Estate Business Cycle as a Moderator




This article uses the 2006 questionnaire survey of housing conditions from the Construction and Planning Agency, Ministry of Interior, for the analysis of housing prices in the Taipei area. The main purpose is to discuss how public facilities, the quality of the environment, and real estate cycles affect housing prices, as well as how the cycle affects the moderation of housing prices. The model proves that the degree of satisfaction with leisure and sports significantly affects the level of housing prices. The product of cycle and area coefficients is -0.010, which achieves a significance level of 5 percent. Instead of increasing the living area, it raises the housing price. Under the cycle, the increase in area raises the housing price by less. This situation is evidence that the influence of the cycle affects the area and the housing price has a moderation effect. The product of the cycle and housing age coefficients is -0.062, which achieves a significance level of 5 percent, while the product of the cycle and the square of housing age is 0.001, which achieves a significance level of 10 percent. The product of the cycle and the county suburban coefficients is -0.204, which achieves a significance level of 5 percent. It indicates that the Taipei county suburban price is lower than prices in other areas; moreover, the price is lower than the others under the expanding cycle situation. Thus, the cycle that affects the difference in housing prices between Taipei's suburban areas and the other areas has moderation effects.


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