  • 期刊


Serological Survey of Pseudorabies among Swine Herds in 2008 in Taiwan


假性狂犬病(pseudorabies; PR)在台灣仍然是豬隻重要疾病,本研究在2008年調查全國23個縣市,隨機抽樣247個豬場共3,698個血清樣本,利用EUSA法檢測豬隻血清中假性狂犬病病毒gE蛋白抗體,以評估PR之牧場盛行率。在247個檢測豬場中有102個豬場為gE抗體陽性,總牧場盛行率為41.3%。各縣市牧場盛行率不一,最高為100%,有4個縣市,分別是基隆市、台北市、台中市和連江縣;牧場盛行率最低為0%,有5個縣市,分別是新竹市、南投縣、台南市、澎湖縣和金門縣。此次調查的247個豬場中有34個豬場使用gE缺損疫苗,其中19個豬場為gE抗體陽性,顯示這些豬場免疫gE缺損疫苗後仍遭受PR野外病毒株感染;使用全病毒疫苗有21個豬場,gE抗體陽性的豬場有12場。調查豬場中有188場不使用疫苗,佔調查豬場數的76%,這188個豬場的牧場盛行率為37.7%。與1994年調查時盛行串高達96%比較,國內PR之盛行率已降低許多,且多數豬場不使用PR疫苗防疫仍可維持無PR感染,顯示我國PR流行病學已大不相同,值得持續追蹤調查。


假性狂犬病 gE抗體 盛行率


Pseudorabies is still considered a major swine disease in Taiwan. A survey conducted in 2008 estimated the herd prevalence of pseudorabies in Taiwan. In total, 247 randomly selected herds and 3,698 blood samples were included in this study. Pig serum were tested glycoprotein E (gE) antibodies by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The overall pseudorabies herd prevalence was 41.3% (102/247). The highest herd seroprevalence was in four counties (100%), including Keelung City, Taipei City, Taichung City and Lienchiang County and the lowest herd seroprevalence was in five counties (0%), including Hsinchu City, Nantou County, Tainan City, Penghu County and Kinmen County. Among the 34 swine herds vaccinated with the pseudorabies virus (PRV) gE-deleted vaccine, gE antibodies were detected in 19 herds. Half of these herds were immunized with the gE deleted vaccine but infected with wild strains of PRV. Among the 21 herds vaccinated with whole PRV vaccine, gE antibodies were detected in 12 herds. Among the 188 unvaccinated herds, seroprevalence of the PRV gE antibody was 37.7%, which can be regarded as the real field PRV infection rate. Herd prevalence for this study was much lower than that the prevalence of 96% identified in a 1994 investigation. Most farms have not vaccinated their pigs with the PRY vaccine, but maintain a PRV-free status, indicating that the status of PRV in swine herds has changed in Taiwan. Notably, continuous tracking of PRV surveillance is needed.


Pig Pseudorabies gE antibody Prevalence


