  • 期刊


Technology Education Resources in Science Museums-Using NSTM as an example


由於科技的進步,對人類生活影響愈來愈深,因而現代社會對科技教育的需求,有著逐漸提高的趨勢。現代國民除了在學校制式教育體制中學習科技之外,還有另一條管道得以終身持續取得學習資源,即為科學博物館。科學博物館擁有豐富的典藏和有趣的參與式展示,是學校所無法比擬的。再加上非制式的學習環境,兼具娛樂與啓發性的學習型態,學生可以在無考試壓力的情形下,體驗科技的新奇與奧妙。 在學習特徵方面,科學博物館與學校科技教育,有相同、也有不同之處。科學博物館強調動手做/互動式的學習方式、運用多重感覺器官、從遊戲中學習,以及提供人際互動的機會,使得學習不再是枯燥乏味的事情了。另一方面,學校科技教育除了強調動手做的學習方式之外,以科技整合為導向、培養問題解決能力,是其主要教學策略與學習重點,使得教學目標更清晰、學習更有方向。若是博物館豐富的教學資源與科技教育的教學策略相結合,想必能使科技的學習更生動、更有效率。 國立科學工藝博物館是國內第一座以科技為內涵的科學類博物館,擁有豐富的科技教學資源,本文特將所有資源分為八類:科技展示、劇場節目、教育活動、專業人員、圖書及視聽資料、出版品、網站資源與場地設施等,從教學的角度加以介紹。各類資源均有可資利用、增進教學效果之處,值得教師們深入瞭解與運用。 制式與非制式教育機構,各有其長處與弱點,有必要加強合作以達到互補的效果,並進一步共同為提升民眾科技素養的任務而努力,方能滿足個人從小到老終身學習的需求。在新實施的九年一貫課程中,強調運用社會資源、與非制式機構的結合,教師們何不以此為起點,開始將博物館豐富的資源,融入於課堂教學之中。當然,師資培育機構的配合也是必要的,從職前或在職訓練二方面著手,培養運用社會資源的能力。




The innovation of technology has dramatically changed the ways of peoples' life. In modern society, there is an increasing need for technology literacy for everyone throughout his/her entire lives. Definitely, schools cannot complete this job alone. Science museums as lifelong learning opportunity providers have potential to work with schools in a joint effort to reach the goal of our society. The nature of learning in a science museum is different from the learning in a school. The learning in science museums can be characterized as hands-on, first-hand, multi-sensory, and joyful experiences. Learners in science museums also can acquire opportunities to interact with people, either with people they know or strangers. Both experiences and opportunities are not easy for students to have in school settings or classrooms. National Science and Technology Museum (NSTM) is the first informal learning institute dedicated to promoting technology literacy for publics. NSTM possessed very rich technology teaching and learning resources available for classroom teachers. This paper introduces different categories of resources such as technology exhibitions, theater shows, educational activities, professionals, library resources, publications, internet resources, and classroom and facility. These resources can be used to enrich students learning experiences on technologies. Both formal and informal learning institutes have their own strength and weakness. It is necessary for them to work together to build a better learning environment for students. Teachers should go out of schools to see where and what they are and how to use them. Certainly, teacher preparation institutes should play an active role to prepare teachers to gain abilities to find and use the resources outside of schools.




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