  • 期刊


The Diversity of Student Sources in Universities and Colleges and the Responding Strategies to Their Preference of Adaptive Teaching




The ecology of domestic higher education has been changing fast and the impact of foreign factors has also been getting salient. One of the critical factors is the trend of declining of birth rate and ageing of population. The change of population structure directly and seriously impact the enrollment of universities and colleges, especially when foreign and mainland China students are restricted to enrolled. With the development of knowledge and lifelong learning society, universities and colleges have been encouraged to enroll more non-traditional students like adults in workplace and retired elders via continuing and extension education. Facing the challenges, universities and colleges are in a high demand to position their role function and shape the vision to encounter the decrease of student source and the coming evaluation, which is going to focus on learning effectiveness. It would be the way for most universities and colleges to enroll more diverse students to meet the need of sustainable development and competence in the market. When the students are going to be more diverse, how to assess and respond to students' various learning characteristics and needs is also becoming crucial. The author chooses the key topic, preference of adaptive teaching, linking to learning style and preference, discusses the related issues and raises recommendations for reference accordingly.


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