  • 期刊


An Investigation of Job Content and Quality of Life among Directors of Local Primary Healthcare Centers in Taiwan


背景和目的:調查台灣地區衛生所主任之工作特質與生活品質相關範疇之分數,並探究影響得分高低之因素。方法:為一橫斷性研究設計(cross-sectional design),針對台灣本島地區356家衛生所主管為研究對象於民國92年8月至10月期間以郵寄問卷方式進行研究對象工作特質與生活品質量表之施測,總計回收140封問卷,回收率為39.3%,扣除訊息不完全的3 份問卷,最後針對其中的137筆資料進行分析。本研究使用中文版Karasek工作特質量表測量,以及台灣版WHOQOL-BREF生活品質問卷分別測量研究對象之工作特質與生活品質。結果:女性衛生所主管有較高的技能裁奪權,但也有較大的心理負荷量;而工作特質類型屬於高壓力類型者,其各範疇生活品質在的得分數也較其他類型工作者為低。此外,研究結果也顯示,女性以及每天的工作時數愈多者,其心理負荷量則愈大;工作控制度與四種生活品質範疇的得分均呈現顯著的正相關,每日工作時數與心理負荷量則分別與生理健康範疇與環境範疇的得分呈負相關,未婚者在生理健康範疇的得分最高,而血型為A型者,其心理、社會關係、與環境範疇之得分也較高。本研究也利用多變量線性迴歸模式探討工作特質與生活品質之與測因素。結論:每日工作時數與衛生所主任的心理負荷量及生活品質均有顯著相關,而工作控制度與心理負荷量之得分,則可用於預測衛生所主任之生活品質。


Background and Purpose: To investigate the score-based job content (JC) and quality of life (QOL) among directors of primary healthcare centers in Taiwan, and to explore factors associated with those scores. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted of 356 directors of primary healthcare centers across Taiwan between August and October 2003. The questionnaire which inquired about information on JC and QOL was mailed to the study participants. In total, 140 study subjects responded (for a 39.3% response rate), among which, 3 had incomplete information. Thus, the study analyzed the data from the remaining 137 study subjects. JC was assessed using the scale innovated by Karasek, while the WHOQOL-BREF was used to assess the QOL score. Multiple linear regression models were respectively used to determine the significant predictors for JC and QOL. Results: Female directors had higher skill discretion than their male counterparts, but also experienced higher levels of psychological demands. Subjects categorized as being highly stressed workers showed the lowest scores on all 4 domains of QOL. Additionally, female subjects and subjects working excess hours had higher psychological demands. All 4 domains of QOL were positively associated with job control; the physical- and environment-related aspects of QOL were negatively associated with daily work hours and psychological demands, respectively. Unmarried subjects had a higher score in the physical-related aspect of QOL, and subjects with type A blood had higher scores for the psychological-, social-, and environment-related aspects of QOL. Conclusion: Daily work hours are significant predictors for both psychological demands and all domains of quality of life among directors of primary health care centers. Both job control and psychological demands can be used to predict the quality of life.


