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The Exploration of Leisure Awareness of in Junior High School Students-A Qualitative Approach



本研究採「質」的研究法,探討國中生休閒覺察的認知結構及心理現象,以期作為推展休閒教育之參考。研究者參考國外休閒教育專家學者Mundy (1998)、Peterson & Stumbo (2000)及Dattilo (1999)的休閒教育模式,歸納彙整其中的次類目「休閒覺察」,自編「標準化開放式問卷」,以深度訪談的方式收集資料,研究對象以國民中學學生一年級、二年級與三年級,男女生各一位,共六位,訪談內容分為三部份,休閒的概念、休閒與生活的關係及休閒利益/阻礙,將錄音資料撰寫成逐字稿,再由逐字稿中抽取與本研究主題相關、有意義的內容整理成句,真實呈現受訪者真正的想法,以現象學為哲學基礎進行資料分析,本研究結果顯示如下: 一綜合比較六位受訪者的休閒覺察狀況,三年級女生的休閒覺察程度最高;一年級男生的休閒覺察程度最低。 二、休閒的概念:受訪者以「活動」及「體驗」的觀點定義休閒;休閒是一種逃避課業壓力的方式,也能體驗活動本身樂趣;具有內在動機及知覺自由;對於責任感的認知有下列三種類型:對身體負責、對自己負責及不需要負責。三、休閒與生活的關係:受訪者的生活雖然以課業為主,但仍覺察休閒在生活中的重要性,肯定休閒具有學習的價值及可以提昇生活品質;認為休閒與生活截然不同;知覺沒有在休閒參與中培養更多的興趣;大部份知覺自我休閒能力較高;沒有豐富的休閒生活型態;無法在義務時間、功課及休閒時間,三者之間取得平衡點。 四、在休閒參與中不論是身體、心理、社交及情感利益皆有所收穫。遭遇的休閒阻礙有「課業壓力」、「父母反對」,以接受父母的意見為克服的方法,另外,「時問不足」的阻礙,則以積極規劃為解決的方法。最後,對後續的研究及實施休閒教育方案提出建議。


This study explored the leisure awareness of the cognition structure and psychological phenomenon in junior high school students by using qualitative research method. The aim is to develop leisure education practice underlining leisure awareness. The researcher construct standard open-ended questionnaire applied in-depth interview to six junior high school students. The themes were divided into three parts: perception of leisure, relationship to one's life, leisure benefits and leisure constraints. Phenomenology was taken as the basis of philosophy. The researcher recorded what the students were as followed: 1. In comparing leisure awareness of the participants, the result found that the third grade girl student held the high level of leisure awareness while first grade boy student held the lowest. 2. Perception of leisure: Leisure was defined in the viewpoint of activity and experience. Leisure was a way to get away from studying pressure. Participants were able to experience the happiness and fun in activity itself. Participants possessed intrinsic motivation and perceived freedom. Participants' cognition of responsibility consisted of three types: be responsible to body, be responsible to self and not responsible at all. 3. Relationship between leisure and life: Although the participants' lives centered in study, they still recognized the importance of leisure in life. They agreed that the educational value brought by leisure was able to improve the quality of life. They considered leisure and life as two different things. They perceived themselves not gaining more fun in leisure participation. Most of the participants perceived high leisure ability of themselves. Participants didn' t have colorful leisure life pattern. They found it was hard to seek balance among leisure time, study, and obligation time. 4. Participants benefited physically, psychologically, socially, and emotionally in leisure participation. The leisure constraints they came across were ”studying pressure” and ”parents' disapproval”. The solution was accepting parents' opinions. In addition, the constraint ”lack of time” was solved by planning positively. Suggestions to future researches and leisure education projects were made.




李春旭(2011)。遊客休閒涉入、知覺品質、知覺價值與休閒效益關係之研究- 以林田山林業文化園區為例〔碩士論文,國立屏東科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6346/NPUST.2011.00131
