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Exploring the Possibilities of Reading and Writing Education at Universities - Construction and Revolution of Curriculum of National Taitung University




The essay is based on my nearly 6-year experience teaching at the University General Education (UGE) Center of National Taitung University as the planner of "Chinese Reading and Writing Course" since the 2013 academic year. After three stages of curriculum development, I have been constantly thinking about how to construct a curriculum blueprint that combines the ideals of humanistic formation with the cultivation of pragmatic ability. A three-stage practice has summarized the possibilities for this course, taking into account the aspect of spiritual cultivation that takes the insight of whole-person education, a broad-sight reading, and in-field participation as the foundation for cultivating capacity, including multiple writing trainings, the cultivation of lifelong learning, and the deepening of narrative ability. With the course design, we hope to respond to this changing era with the unchangeable spirit of humanistic care, thus to cultivate students with the necessary thinking and presentation abilities.


王秀珊(2013)‧「輔仁大學國文課程推動與革新計劃」之個人教學實踐分析—試以100學年度上學期「大一國文」課程為例‧全人教育學報,11 ,45-76。
彭妮絲(2011)‧閱讀、探尋暨文化理解:一個行動/ 問題導向課程之實踐經驗‧通識教育學刊,8 ,53-80。
蓋琦紓(2010)‧ 生命美感與文學讀解—大一國文課程的教學設計‧高醫通識教育學報,5,1-13。
王玫(2016)‧以敘事力作為跨領域學習之課程設計提案—以「食飲‧ 拾影—原味覺醒之美感敘事培力」為例‧德明學報,40:1,65-75。
