  • 期刊


Research into the Compilation and Design of Chinese Language Cultural Texts: From the Perspective of Global Education


全球化是本世紀最主要的社會趨勢,影響範圍含括所有人類的社會制度與生活層面。教育與文化如何面對全球化所衍生的問題,是值得深思與回應的課題。本文從全球教育的視角出發,說明專為新加坡小學六年級學生所編寫的二語閱讀文化教材《悅讀華文,細品文化》的設計與編寫。研究理論以Banks所提出的全球教育哲理為基礎,強調在外語教學過程中,應關注本族文化與目的語文化的互動,多元文化背景的平等對話,因為它們是促進外語文化與母語文化融合的有效途徑。 本文研究目的有二:1.分析外語教學如何與全球教育相呼應;2.探討文化教材如何融合多元文化面貌。研究以半開放式問卷調查新加坡地區的華語教師的教學需求,和選修華文課程的小六學生對文化項目的學習興趣,並作為編寫《悅讀華文,細品文化》教材的文化選項之依據。研究結果顯示:學生特別喜好貼近他們實際生活的流行文化,例如:漫畫人物、手機簡訊、速食文化、流行音樂和偶像崇拜等;而教師則重視跨文化的接觸、交流與彙集,例如:新加坡地區華人社會、馬來族和印度族的文化之異同,不同國家特色文化之比較,以及世界共同議題如環保和衛生等問題。本文建議:在編寫國別化文化教材時,編寫者必須具備全球化的思維架構,省思在地化文化特色和需求的動態關係,考慮文化全球在地化的交互影響,才能引導學習者從全球文化的角度來理解自己的文化,反思種族、國家和世界的認同。


Globalization is the main trend of this century, affecting all human social systems and people's lives at every level. The question of how education and culture evolves when confronted with globalization is a topic worth pondering on and responding to. This research proceeds from the perspective of global education and explains specifically the design and compilation the Chinese Culture text 'Yuè Dú Huáyǔ, Xìpǐn Wénhuà' (Reading Chinese, Appreciating Culture) compiled for sixth grade primary school students in Singapore. There are two goals of this research: 1. To analyze how foreign language teaching and global education respond with each other. 2. To explore how cultural education materials merge with multicultural features. This paper advises that when compiling national cultural materials, the compilers of cultural education materials need to compile materials possessing a global thought architecture reflecting the dynamic relationship of the needs and special characteristics of the local culture as well as considering the reciprocal influences global culture and local culture have with each other. It is only by doing this will it be possible to guide learners in gaining identification with and gaining an understanding of their own cultures and introspecting upon ethnicity, the nation and the world through the perspective of globalization.


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