  • 期刊


On Different Renditions of Walter Benjamin's 'The Task of the Translator' with a Full Translation from German into Chinese


班雅明(Walter Bendix Schoenflies Benjamin)於1892年6月15日在柏林出生,1940年9月26日在法國和西班牙邊境小鎮坡埠(Portbou)去世。是位德國哲學家,社會理論家,文學批評家以及翻譯理論家。自從1970-1980年選集出版後,始漸漸受到世人的重視。其作品中常被提及的有〈論歷史的概念〉以及〈機械複製時代的藝術作品〉等等。不過1920-21年之間完成的〈譯者天職〉一文,雖是早期的作品,卻能夠清楚呈現其整體思想,也是班雅明後來各種理論的中心軸線,在當代人文界非常受到重視。〈譯者天職〉一文乃是1921年出版的班雅明所做Baudelaire翻譯的前言,因此,並非一嚴謹意義之下的理論建構,而是針對他對於語言的瞭解(或更好說:信念),所做的一些反省與表達。由於中文裡面還沒有從德文原文翻譯過來的版本,筆者做了這個嘗試,為關心者提供另一個詮釋版本。本文將既有的四個中文版本,與筆者的翻譯做比較,針對關鍵概念有誤解或不清楚的地方,提出十個例子,分析比較。至於風格的不同,則不是本文比較的重點。德文原文以及筆者的中文翻譯則置於附錄,以供參考。令人慶幸的是,加上筆者翻譯的一篇,共五篇譯文,對於該原文,百分之八、九十都達到近似的瞭解。因此讀者更能夠從不同角度,不同的表達方式,瞭解班雅明該文的意涵。


Since Walter Benjamin (Walter Bendix Schoenflies Benjamin, 1892-1940) is one of the most widely read authors across a broad range of disciplines - Comparative Literature, Theology, Philosophy, Translation Studies, Postmodernism etc., the object of this project is the translation of his essay, ‘The Task of the Translator’, from the German original into Chinese. To the knowledge of the author, there are already four Chinese versions of the essay, demonstrating its popularity among Chinese scholars. However, they' re all translated from English versions (1968 and 1996 by Harry Zohn). Besides variations in style of expression among these four, some interpretations differ. The author chooses ten examples to explore the impact that these diversities have on the understanding of the original text. But it should be pointed out that among all the Chinese translations (including the fifth one from this author) there is an 80 to 90 percent agreement on meaning in the essay. The author wants to show that this essay can be approached from different angles and with different modes of expression, which taken together result in a more complete picture of the essay, echoing Wilhelm von Humboldt's opinion that various translations of the same source text all make their own contributions.


