  • 期刊


Wireless MEMS Sensors System Applied to Badminton Forehand Striking Clear Racket Vibration Analysis




This research explored the use of Wireless MEMS Sensors System to analysis of badminton forehand striking clear racket vibration. Purpose: analysis of the domestic player 〞national group A〞 and the second best player 〞group B〞 striking forehand clear racket of the divergence and the stability. Objects: the player from currently under test world rank 14 - participation in 2012 the 30th London Olympic Games - and the second best player currently rant match in group B third place. Method: to place sensor wireless MEMS sensors in the racket points; each measurement point contains three-axis acceleration sensor chip. When players strike forehand clear racket, each chip captures sensor measuring point of numerical data, and statistical analysis. Result: 1. two of the contestants not worn and wear sensors in ball speed, paired t- testing, no significant differences. 2. The number racket acceleration spectrum amplitude, x axis is inaccuracy with y axis. 3. in 15 times racket acceleration spectrum amplitude, the national group A player has more vibration between 443 to 482 Hz and group B player gets vibration between 299 to 417 Hz. 4. the max compare of three-axis area, the group A player and the group B player have obviously difference. 5. The racket vibrating time of F and T testing, group A player's vibrating time is shorter than group B's. Conclusions: 1. the racket acceleration spectrum amplitude and the racket vibration have their diverseness. 2. Group A player and group B player have different characteristics of vibration. 3. Group A player has powerful force than group B player. 4. From the vibration of the racket, it showed that group A player forces the power shorter than group B player, which means group A player release power after she hit but didn't group B player.


