  • 期刊


The Effects of College Education on Student Learning: University Graduates' Perceptions




This paper examined how college education helps students in their learning as well as institutional differences between public and private universities. It utilized data from the Taiwan Higher Education Data Bank, collected in November of 2005 from the 2002 college graduates. A total of 7127 samples were selected by random sampling, including 2960 graduates from public universities and 4167 from private ones. This paper found that for university graduates, college education was perceived to be most helpful in areas of knowledge learning and interpersonal relationships. College education was considered least helpful in areas of language ability, humanities literacy, and science literacy. In general, the results indicated that college education was more helpful for public university graduates than for private university graduates. On the other hand, compared with graduates from public institutions, private university graduates only found college education to be significantly more helpful in promoting their abilities in four items: financial management, emotional management, international perspective, and foreign language. Based on the research results, the authors make recommendations for university administration as well as teaching practices, and propose possible directions for future research.
