  • 期刊


Preferences and Willingness to Pay for Tourism Images of Taiwan Tourist Shuttle Travel services




To ease the congestion of tourism destinations from private vehicles in peak hours, the Tourism Bureau developed the Taiwan Tourist Shuttle Travel (TTST) services to seamlessly connect the main transit terminals and tourism destinations in 2009. TTST services improve the service quality of transportation and achieve the carbon emissions reduction resolutions, simultaneously. However, the operators have identified TTST services as public transit for tourism purpose trips rather than tour buses, bringing insufficient passenger volume. The authorities thus subsidize the operation as well as marketing costs of TTST services. For satisfying the tourist demands, the tourism elements integrating tourism facilities along with tourism services should be provided to construct the tourism image of TTST service and improve the attractiveness. Accordingly, this study explores the attributes of potential passengers based on the perspectives of consumers. Moreover, both the supply side and demand side of TTST services including tourists, tourism industries and authorities are considered to induce the essential factors influencing the choice behavior on TTST services. This study suggests marketing strategies for the target customers via analyzing the tourism images and their interactions with destination attraction as well as tourist participation experience during the TTST tour. Therefore, this study investigates the willingness to pay and critical tourism images affecting passenger volume of TTST service for present and potential tourists using revealed and stated preference survey, respectively, rather than the modal choice behavior in tourism destinations. Furthermore, the Bass diffusion model is employed to simulate the impact of strategies on passenger volume of TTST services, and assists planners in allocating resources.


