  • 期刊

Leisure and Active Living: A Holistic Approach


Based on the fact that every human being enjoys leisure experiences and activities every day of his life and the need to be active to develop all its potentialities and reach full development to have a healthy and productive life, the presentation discusses the real meaning of leisure experiences and activities and of active living.The real needs of the human being as a bio social psychological entity and the reasons and factors that impinge the interests of the general population in leisure activities at different ages and in different environmental realities and socio-economic conditions related to Latin America are analyzed.Latin America, commonly identified as a region of homogenous characteristics, is really a world of over 400 million people formed by different sub regions from south to north, with different environments and climates as well as ethnic characteristics and socio cultural realities in spite of having common historic antecedents. With countries in which the individual per capita incomes goes from just over 1.000 dollars per year to over 10.000 which makes for leisure experiences and activities completely different from one another and very different from the industrialized countries in some of which the per capita income is 50.000 dollars per year.How leisure is present in all aspects of life spontaneously or organized is reviewed as every day activities, week end or seasonal experiences and activities, going from at home activities to touristic and how they are present in: human development, family life, education, culture, health, sports, community life, labor, politics, environment preservation, free time utilization, third age, general wellbeing, economic development, and technology.The presentation offers some ideas to develop a holistic approach to leisure and active living through programming and planning of: awareness activities, education, promotion, participation, cooperation, training and forming the necessary human resources, providing adequate facilities and spaces. With participation of: specialists, universities, private institutions, governments from municipal to national, organized communities and the people at large are presented.


leisure active living wellbeing
