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The Management of Insects and Other Animal Pests on Grapevine in Tawian







The grape is one of the important fruit tress in central Taiwan. 22 species of insect pests (13 families, 5 orders), 4 species of spider mites, 1 species of snail and 4 species of birds have been listed as the pests of grape from the survey. The results showed that the seasonal occurrence of the major pests such as ”Zeuzera coffeae” Nietner larvae appeared all the year round with the higher population density from June to July and from October to November, whereas ”Notolophus australis posticus” Walker from April to May, ”Porthesia taiwana Shiraki”, ”Theretra alecto” L, and ”Anomala cupripes” Hope from June to July, and ”Bradybaena similaris” Ferussac from May to September. The other pests such as ”Spodoptera litura” Fab., and ”Trichoplusia ni” are negligible due to their population density are too low. Applications of insecticide from April to June during the bud break period of 1st generation adult and from August to October during the bud break period of 2nd generation adults, resulted in the most effective control of ”Zeuzera coffeae” and have the highest economic profit. Improvement of cultural technique may decrease the occurrence of insect pests which may have favorable effect on their control. Discarded plant parts and abandoned field which may become the sources of infestation must be carefully taken care of. Strengthening of cooperative pest control program and searching for new control measures will eventually ensure overcoming of the difficulties encountered in the field.


