  • 期刊


College Students' Use of YouTube Health Video Information: A Case for Fu Jen Catholic University Students


本研究探討大學生健康資訊影音平臺Youtube使用行為。調查之議題涵蓋:學生對健康資訊關注程度、以Youtube收看健康資訊與產品資訊之情形、取得資訊之來源管道、資訊之選用標準、面臨之問題,以及對於未來資訊提供之期望。研究以輔仁大學大學生為研究對象,採問卷調查,透過李克特(Likert Scale)五分量表徵詢學生針對反應項目評分,共回收問卷206份。結果發現:大學生對於健康中等關注;最常意外獲取健康影音資訊;依據需求而收看產品相關資訊;對於健康影音資訊尋求行為多元;資訊選用最重視符合健康專業性;對於廣告、資訊來源不確定、易誤導資訊最感困擾;期待建立健康審核規範。研究結果亦顯示性別在許多項目之反應程度具統計上的顯著性,文末並依研究結果提出建議。


The main purpose of this study was to investigate college students' acquisition of health information by using the Youtube video platform. The following issues were explored: students' level of attention to their own health, access to health and health product information on Youtube, use of health resources, and criteria for using the information, problems encountered, and their expectations on future services of health information. The study employed the survey method to collect research data from undergraduate students at Fu- Jen Catholic University with a 5-point Likert scale to elicit students' reactions toward the response items. A total of 206 valid online data were obtained. Research findings include students moderately concerned their health; they most frequently obtained information by accident; most of them often viewed health product information based on their needs; they had diverse health video information searching behaviors; the criterion the most students used was to meet healthcare-associated criteria; the students felt troubled most with the advertisement, unreliable resources, and misleading information; they expected to have review mechanism for health information. The results of the study also revealed gender differences in many response items (p < 0.05), and provided several suggestions.


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