  • 期刊

整合Web 2.0及RIA技術探討知識管理系統的發展

The Integration of Web 2.0 and RIA for Knowledge Management System Development


Web 2.0概念架構下,整合其他的資訊技術,擴散加成現有系統的功能與效率,則是目前大家所思考研究的方向。在目前知識經濟的時代,商業競爭力主要乃架構在完善的知識管理,用以累積、創造並應用知識資產,並將知識的價值轉化為實質的收益。因而如何思考Web 2.0概念架構中知識管理系統的發展與應用,則是本研究所聚焦的重點。本研究藉著文獻的探討,比較傳統Web、Web 2.0與RIA技術三者架構的不同,並且根據以上三者探討知識管理的相關性分析、應用(例如:Blog、Vlog、RSS)、關鍵技術,以及Web 2.0關鍵原則中:借力的集體智慧、資料將變成未來的「Intel Inside」及豐富的使用者體驗等特性及原則,來探討Web 2.0及RIA技術的導入對未來知識管理系統發展的影響。本研究的結論建議,整合Web 2.0與RIA技術下的知識管理系統的發展,需先發展出企業本身的雛型架構,再藉著Web 2.0使用者的知識分享機制,使得整個系統不僅能整合內部各部門的資訊(生產、製造、行銷、財務、人力資源),更能與外部環境作結合,跟顧客的CRM作整合、跟供應商的SCM作溝通,且跟競爭者形成策略聯盟抵制外來的競爭力。而RIA技術的導入使得未來知識管理系統更具有下列優勢:增加使用者生產力、改善開發者生產力、影響現行IT環境並減少操作上的花費,且透過Flash應用程式的開發,增加了使用者的豐富體驗。


The integration of various information technologies in the concepts of Web 2.0 to richen the users' experiences and expand the functions and efficiencies of existing system is nowadays the main trend of knowledge management research. The competition power of an enterprise comes from a comprehensive knowledge management system that can be used to accumulate, create and implement knowledge asset for gaining practical revenue in the era of knowledge economics. Hence, this research is focusing on the discussion of how to develop and implement knowledge management system under the integration of RIA (Rich Internet Application) and the concept of Web 2.0. First of all, we are using literature review to compare the difference between Web, Web 2.0 and RIA and to survey their relationship, application (such as Blog, Vlog, RSS) and key technologies for developing knowledge management system. The major principle and characteristic of Web 2.0, which initiate the "Intel Inside" idea using to form community knowledge and richen users' experiences will also be discussed here. The results of our research show that a prototype structure of knowledge management system should be developed before introduce the integration of Web 2.0 concept and RIA technologies for future knowledge management system development. The advantage of sharing mechanism created in Web 2.0 concept can not only benefit internal information integration (e.g. manufacturing, marketing, finance, human resources), but also external information connection (e.g. CRM, SCM). Hence, the collaboration between competitors, which is built under the concept of Web 2.0, can be used to form strategic alliances for gaining more competition power. The advantage of introduce RIA to future knowledge management development can be seen in the aspect of increasing and improving productivity, reducing the cost of IT operation and richening users' experiences.
