  • 學位論文

政府採購法停權制度之研究—兼論 2019 年修法後違約停權下之太魯閣號採購案與 COVID-19 疫苗採購案之適用情形與困境

Research on Suspensions under the Government Procurement Act and Analysis on the Application and Difficulties of such Suspensions after the 2019 Amendments in the Default-Suspension Cases Taroko Express and COVID-19 Vaccine

指導教授 : 林明鏘


政府採購法(下稱採購法)第101條至第103條停權制度於2019年進行修法,此次修法重點在於改善過往停權制度所為人詬病之要件不夠明確、效果過於嚴苛之問題,針對停權制度下受處分廠商之程序保障亦有所強化。 實體面部分之修法,針對過往欠缺「情節重大」要件之停權事由,於欠缺之款次中補足此判斷要素。此外,對於「情節重大」此具備抽象性與多義性之不確定法律概念,立法者亦在採購法第101條第4項有所闡明。至於停權效果之部分,擺脫以往僅有停權1年或3年較為僵化之法律效果。此次修法區分違法停權與違約停權,而針對違約停權採取「累計加重」之方式為之,以彈性化停權期間。 程序面部分之修法,則新增陳述意見程序及採購工作及審查小組,給予受處分廠商有辯明之機會外,透過委員制下之審查小組,使得停權事由判斷上更加專業化與客觀化。 立法者此次修法朝向「要件明確化、效果彈性化」及「程序保障強化」,本身立意良善,惟其仍舊存在不足之處。本論文以近期相關的政府採購議題—太魯閣號採購案與COVID-19疫苗採購案進行2019年新修正停權制度之適用與分析,嘗試透過實際案例予以檢討當今停權制度仍待加強及改善之處,以期我國停權制度之運作能更加健全!


Article 101-103(Suspension system) of the Government Procurement Act underwent amendment in 2019. The purpose of this amendment was to improve on the criticism that the qualifying elements were not clear and the effects were not propotional to the wrongdoings commited by companies. And also giving more assurance to the process of the suspension system. In the substantive aspect of the act, amendments were made to define what qualifies as “serious circumstances” and in following articles clarified the elements of the qualifications. Furthermore, legislators used article 101 paragraph 4 to attempt to explain the abstractness and ambivalence of what are “serious circumstances”. Regarding the effects of suspension, the amendments removed the draconic and inflexible clause that stipulated one year or three year sanctions. These amendments differentiate suspensions stemming from breaches of contract and breaches of law. To increase the flexibility of the suspension period, legislators opted to choose a “cumulative weight” system to evaluate the sanction. In the procedural aspect of the act, personal statements were allowed and the “working and evaluation group” was established, giving sanctioned companies the chance to produce their individual defenses, making suspension cases more professional and objective. Although the purpose of the amendment in 2019 sought to enhance the clarity of the elements and the flexibility of the effects, and strengthen the protections afforded to companies, there are still drawbacks. In this thesis, two cases are presented to find out the parts of the suspension system which need to be improved, which are Taroko Express Procurement Case and COVID-19 Vaccine Procurement Cases. Through these two practical cases, this paper seeks to make the suspension system in our country more perfect.


一、 中文文獻
(一) 專書
1. Dieter Medicus著,紹建東譯,《德國民法總論(Allgemeiner Teil des BGB)》,北京法律出版社,2000年。
2. 王國武,《政府採購法之實務》,台北:新學林,2019年二版。
3. 吳庚、盛子龍,《行政法之理論與實用》,台北:三民書局,2020年10月增定十六版。
