  • 學位論文


Applications of Ionic Liquid Monomers Affixing Acrylic Group on Dye-sensitized Solar Cells

指導教授 : 林金福


本研究主要分為兩大部份,第一個部份利用本實驗室所研發帶有交聯官能基的染料Ru-C,與本論文中所合成的帶有丙烯酸基的離子液體1-methyl- 3-[2-[(1-oxo-2-propenyl)oxy]-ethyl]-imidazilium iodide (DIL)單體在二氧化鈦薄膜上行聚合反應,達到二氧化鈦表層聚合改質的目的,並以元件測試來觀察其差異。第二部份主要在於膠化離子液體的部份,利用帶丙烯酸基離子液體聚合以及共聚合成高分子製作成膠態電解質,並利用其膠態電解質製作太陽能電池元件。 在第一部份中利用帶丙烯酸基離子液體單體與帶有乙烯交聯官能基的染料Ru-C結合,使得Ru-C染料可以在二氧化鈦表面聚合,不易從二氧化鈦表面脫附,在元件效率方面,利用1-methyl-3-propylimidazolium iodide(MPII)以及乙腈(Acetonitrile, ACN)兩種不同的電解質系統,以及利用DIL和1-methyl-3- [2-[(1-oxo-2-propenyl)oxy]-ethyl]-imidazilium dicyanamide (DILdca)兩種帶不同負離子的DIL單體在二氧化鈦表面聚合。在利用MPII的系統中,其效率並沒有明顯的提昇,而在利用乙腈的系統中,DIL濃度在10-3M的時候可以達到5.35%的效率,但利用DILdca離子液體單體在二氧化鈦表層聚合,效率下降至4.87%。 第二部份利用DIL單體聚合,形成帶有離子液體官能基的PDIL高分子,將之分別加入MPII以及1-methyl-3-ethylimidzolium dicyanamide (MEIdca)離子液體中,形成膠態離子液體電解質,觀察其在染料敏化太陽能電池(DSSC)中效率的差異及變化,而在這個系統中最高可以達到5.34%。由於PDIL的玻璃轉化溫度(Τg)略高於室溫,因此在DIL中加入低Tg的丙烯酸甲酯(Methyl acrylate, MA)單體進行共聚合反應,得到較低Tg的高分子後,測試到其在膠態DSSC中光電轉換效率,但結果不如預期,效率反而下降至3.52%。


This research mainly focused on the application of new type ionic liquid monomer carrying acrylate functional groups on dye sensitized solar cell (DSSC). There are two major parts in this research. For the first part, we synthesized 1-methyl-3- [2-[(1-oxo-2-propenyl)oxy]- ethyl]-imidazilium iodide (DIL), an ionic liquid monomer carrying acrylic functional group, and polymerized it with the crosslinkable ruthenium dye Ru-C on the titanium dioxide porous surface. It was expected that owing to the crosslinking of Ru-C dye with DIL, the fabricated DSSC would have not only better stability but also higher conversion efficiency. For the second part, we used the polymerized DIL (PDIL) to gel the ionic liquids and prepared the gel-type electrolyte system for DSSC. In the first part of this research, 1-methyl-3-[2-[(1-oxo-2-propenyl)oxy] -ethyl]-imidazilium iodide (DIL) was successfully synthesized and characterized. By copolymerizing with crosslinkable Ruthenium, Ru-C, it formed a stable and functional layer on the TiO2 thin film, which was able to withstand the dissolution by NaOH aqueous solution. The performance of fabricated DSSC was studied by using the liquid electrolyte systems with acetonitrile(ACN) volatile solvent and with 1-methyl-3-propyl-imidazolium iodide (MPII) ionic liquid solvent respectively. Although there was no significant change of performance for the MPII system, the efficiency was increased slightly from 5.26% to 5.35% for the ACN system as the DIL concentration was 10-3M. Besides, when the counterion of DIL was changed to dicyanamide, the efficiency droped to 4.87%. In the second part, DIL was polymerized and used to gel the PMII and 1-methyl-3-ethylimidzolium dicyanamide (MEIdca) ionic liquid electrolyte systems, respectively for DSSC. The highest conversion efficiency of farbricated DSSC reached to 5.34% with MPII and 4.51% with MEIdca. In order to lower the Tg of PDIL, DIL was copolymerized with methyl acrylate (MA). However, although the Tg was decreased, the conversion efficiency also dropped to 3.52%.


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