  • 學位論文


The Political Economy of the Idle or Underutilized Public Facilities

指導教授 : 蕭全政


截至民國100年底止,公共工程委員會列管近20年全臺163處,曾經閒置或低度使用公共設施,依用途區分為停車場設施、文化館、體育場館等,其中以停車場件數最多(46件、占總件數28.2%);其次為文化館(25件、占總件數15.3%),包括地方文化館、原住民文物館、客家文化館;再其次為體育場館(12件、占總件數7.4%)。 本研究採歷史結構的研究途徑,從政經與社會環境的演變,探討民主化對於政府公共建設的影響,與閒置或低度使用公共設施攸關之公共建設計畫與平衡城鄉差距政策、政府財政補助及預算相關規範等之間的因果互動關係;針對上述公共設施數量多者,或具有特殊代表性者,包括原住民文物館、客家文化館、地方文化館、極限運動場、公共停車場,以及垃圾焚化爐等六大類型,探討以往這些重大公共建設相關政策之醖釀、形成、運作與變遷之歷史脈絡與結構等;以期對於閒置或低度使用公共設施獲得較為全盤而整體的認識與瞭解,進而提出檢討,以及未來應加強方向之建議。 本研究經綜合探討的結果,提出下列建議意見:一、公共建設計畫不採齊頭方式按行政區域補助各地方政府;二、公共建設計畫應要求地方政府負擔部分配合款;三、加強照顧弱勢族群與縮短城鄉差距政策;四、審計機關增加預警性服務,強化財物審計前瞻性之功能;五、活化閒置公共設施,俾使國家資源得以有效利用;六、其他諸如強化電子化政府功能,將資訊公開於政府網站,促進公民參與;強化公務人員專業規劃與審查能力之訓練等。


At the end of 2011, the Public Construction Commission had listed 163 public facilities that had been idle or underutilized in the past 20 years. They are divided into parking facilities, cultural museums, and stadiums, etc. (According to the purposes of the facilities). Parking facilities take up most of the cases (46 cases, 28.2% of total cases). And the next is cultural museums (25 cases, 15.3% of total cases), including local cultural museums and indigenous museums. The last is sports stadiums (12 cases, 7.4% among all). This study adopts a historical structure approach, which discusses the influences of democratization on public facilities, projects for public infrastructure and policies in balancing the differences between cities and countryside that are related to idle and underutilized facilities, and cause-effect relationships between government subsidies and budget-related regulations from the perspectives of political-economics and the evolution of social environment. This study explores the incubation, formation, and operation of relevant policies of those important public infrastructures, and the changing historical context as well as structure, in the light of the majority of the abovementioned public facilities or the six major types that are specific and representative, such as the indigenous museums, Hakka cultural museums, local cultural museums, extreme sports stadiums, public parking lots, and waste incinerators. The purpose is to have a more comprehensive and complete understanding about the idle and underutilized public facilities; furthermore, to propose review agenda and recommendations for improvement in the future. According to the result of this study, we came up with the following recommendations: 1.Subsidies for public infrastructure projects granted to the local governments should not be in accordance with administrative areas with a uniform and equal approach. 2.The local governments should be required to bear parts of the coordination funds for public infrastructure projects. 3.Strengthen policies on taking care of disadvantaged groups and shortening the gaps between cities and countryside. 4.Auditing bodies should add an early warning service to strengthen the forecasting function of asset audit. 5.Vitalize idle public facilities in order to effectively use national resources. 6.Others such as strengthening the functions of e-government so that information can be posted on the government websites publicly in order to encourage civilians’ participation, strengthening the training of civil servants on their professional skills in planning and auditing, and so on.




