  • 學位論文


The Development of Community Environmental Education Program: A Case Study of Wennei Community

指導教授 : 蔡博文




Since the 1980s there are a vast number of people are equipped with environmental consciousness through joining the Comprehensive Community Development and the Environmental Reforms of Community. With the execution of policy of the Environmental Education Act since 2011, there are more and more communities engaged. Community are transforming their role as a learner of environmental education into an educator. Community is a group of people living in the same place and having a particular characteristic in common. These people are, moreover, familiar with local cultural resources. Thus, community is the ideal unit for participatory environmental education, which emphasis bottom-up and environment-regarding activities. Although a great number of communities have abundant outcomes of executing community empowerment, there a few communities are able to transform their achievements into the base of applying for the environmental education facility and field. To explore this question, this thesis analyzes the basic factors of community in developing environmental education facility and field. Wennei community has sufficient experiences of conducting comprehensive community developments and environmental reforms. Wennei also has a well-developed community association and plays as a representative role of conducting environmental education activities. This research, therefore, takes Wennei community as a developing sample to implement a case study. To get close to this community and figure out the mechanism of running the community association, the author joins the association and applies these public participation geographic information systems (PPGIS) for helping this community draft the environmental education program with local resources. The outcomes point out three key bases of paving the way to obtain the certification of environmental education facility and field. Firstly, the Wennei Community Development Association plays a powerful role of leading and integrating local resources. Secondly, the community takes the prior experiences of comprehensive community development as base for establishing environmental education facility and field. Lastly, the joiners of community empowerment build the strong connection and motivation for refining the local environment. This community is, therefore, able to be more competitive in constructing a successful environmental education facility and field, thorough integrating all necessary factors: human resources, infrastructure and management.


吳鈴筑、王鴻濬(2012)環境教育設施場所認證之實務分析,鄉村旅遊研究,6 (1):1-13。
吳美麗、邱雅莉、馬淑貞、連麗玲(2012)環保模範社區環境教育需求及自然資源現況暨其成功要素之探討,環境教育研究,6 (1):41-83。
