  • 學位論文


Study on resuming administrative procedures -focused on the variation of administrative disposition’s Bestandskraft

指導教授 : 蔡宗珍


行政程序重開制度為我國行政程序法第128條所規定使相對人或利害關係人在一定情況下,於行政處分法定救濟期間經過後,仍得請求行政機關廢棄或變更該行政處分,為行政處分廢棄途徑之一,其目的在於保護人民權利,使人民得突破行政處分之存續力,請求行政機關廢棄或變更行政處分,屬非正規救濟途徑,惟其法制化空間並非及於所有行政處分,而必須針對已產生形式存續力行政處分方有其法制化空間。 至於支持其突破行政處分存續力之正當化基礎,則在於情事變更原則與確保行政處分的合法性。就行政程序重開之法制發展,從縱向法制史上觀察,我國行政程序法立法過程曾出現各不同版本草案,且其規範模式及內容不盡相同,從橫向比較法上觀察,我國行政程序重開制度雖繼受自德國行政程序重開制度,然兩國行政程序重開制度之規範模式及內容亦不盡相同,因此,我國行政程序法各版本草案及德國聯邦行政程序法之規定皆得作為本文研究之素材及線索。 基於上述法制化空間與正當化基礎,並參考我國行政程序法立法過程中各不同版本草案之規定及德國聯邦行政程序法規定,我國行政程序重開制度從程序的開始、進行到結束以至於對於行政程序重開決定之救濟,皆有其問題存在,故本文最後亦提出修法建議,試圖解決上開問題,重塑我國行政程序重開之面貌。


Resuming Administrative Procedure (wiederaufgreifen des Verfahrens) is the procedure established in Article 128 of Taiwanese Administrative Procedure Law, which allows respondents who are subject to an administrative disposition or other involved parties to apply to the administrative authority after the lapse of the statutory period of legal remedy, for abandonment or amendment to the administrative disposition under certain circumstances. Therefore, it is one of the ways to abandon the administrative disposition, with a goal of protecting people’s rights. Resuming Administrative Procedure allows people to break through the “formelle Bestandskraft”, or sustainability of administrative dispositions and apply to the administrative authority for abandonment or amendment to an administrative disposition. Accordingly, it is an irregular remedy procedure. However, it does not apply to every administrative disposition but only apply to the ones which already have “formelle Bestandskraft” so that it is able to legalize the administrative procedure. The justification of Resuming Administrative Procedure is based on “the principle of change of circumstances” and on the basis of “maintaining the legality of administrative dispositions”. In the legislative process of Taiwanese Administrative Procedure Law, there are different versions of its draft, and their normative models and contents also vary. Additionally, compare with Resuming Administrative Procedure in Germany, although Article 128 of Taiwanese Resuming Administrative Procedure is adopted from Article 51 of German Federal Administrative Procedure Law, there are many differences between Resuming Administrative Procedure in Taiwan and in Germany. Therefore, different normative models in different drafts of Taiwanese Administrative Procedure Law and that of German Federal Administrative Procedure Law, can all be materials and elements of this study. III Based on the justification of Resuming Administrative Procedure mentioned earlier, there is room for legalization of Taiwanese Resuming Administrative Procedure. According to the different drafts of Taiwan’s Administrative Procedure Law as well as German Federal Administrative Procedure Law, there are lots of problems in Taiwanese Resuming Administrative Procedure, including the beginning of a procedure (How the Procedure begins), the process in which people apply to authorities, the closure of an Administrative Procedure, and finally the remedy against the decision made by the administrative authority. Therefore, this study addresses a suggestion on amending the law and tries to solve the above-mentioned problems, giving Taiwanese Resuming Administrative Procedure a new life.


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