  • 學位論文


The Political Economy of Volunteer Military Policy in Taiwan

指導教授 : 蕭全政


本研究係以兩次政黨輪替前後區分時期,並以「歷史結構」、「政治經濟」及「偏差動員」等三個層面做為分析架構。首先,透過歷史結構分析,探討募兵政策在政黨輪替前及兩次政黨輪替後等時期,有何不同發展演變;其次,經由政治經濟分析,探討轉型募兵政策是否能滿足相關行為者的利益追求,達到資源利用極佳化及利潤獲得極大化之目標;最後,藉由募兵政策的演進,探討相關行為者偏差動員之過程,及彼此互動之鑲嵌關係。 研究發現,兩岸的緊張或和平關係發展並非影響兵役政策之主因;政黨競爭始為轉型募兵政策之重要關鍵。且在政治支持下,財政負擔非為推行募兵政策之限制因素;相對來說,兵源招募則攸關募兵政策之成敗。至於未來兵役制度轉型後,較精準的說法應是不「全」募兵制,而義務役之役期縮短為4個月之軍事訓練。故實施募兵制後,並不等同於免服兵役,兩者不應劃上等號。 本研究經綜整歸納後,謹提出如下政策建議,以為國軍轉型募兵政策之參考:一、朝野需有共識,兩岸關係與募兵政策才能穩定發展。二、因應少子化趨勢的人力替代策略。三、減輕國家財政負擔的開源節流措施。四、美國志願役招募成功的啟示。


The study is to distinguish the periods before and after the alternation of the two political parties with the analytical frameworks in three levels including "Historic Structure", "Political Economy" and “Mobilization of Bias”. Firstly, the different developments and evolutions of volunteer military policy is discussed for the periods before the alternation of political power and before/after the two alternations of political parties through the historic structure of volunteer military policy. Secondly, whether the transformation of volunteer military policy satisfies the interests of relevant actors or group is discussed through political and economic analysis, and the optimal resource utilization and profit is achieved. Lastly, the process of mobilization of bias with relevant actors or group and the interaction thereof are discussed through evolution of volunteer military policy. The research found that the tension or relation between Taiwan and China are not the main factor that affect the military service policy, but competition among political parties is the key for the transformation of volunteer military policy. Furthermore, with the politic support, the financial burden was not the element that limits the implementation of the volunteer military policy. Relatively speaking, the number of military recruitment is significant to the success of volunteer military policy. After the transformation of military service system, which is still not a “fully“ volunteer force to be accurate, the length of compulsory military will be shorten to four months of military training. Therefore, after the implementation of volunteer military policy, it is not equivalent to the exemption from military service, two are not equal. In this study, those findings and results have concluded with the following recommendations as future reference for the transformation of national military recruiting policy: 1.The ruling and opposing political parties need to have consensus in order to have stable development between Taiwan and China, as well as the volunteer military policy. 2. Alternative human resource strategy in response to low birth rate. 3. Plans for reducing nation’s financial burden of revenue-raising. 4. Revelation from the successful volunteer force recruiting system of the United States.




